Sorry I missed yesterday. All kinds of getting ready for the trip to Atlanta going on. But, the best part was lunch with Susan and Pat. What great friends they are! We don't actually get together often, but when we do, it's such a deep feeling of love and appreciation for each other. Which reminds me of my recent prayer - I give you my love and my presence. As I meditated this morning I repeated my standard prayer for each family member and ended it with those words. My standard prayer? May you be filled with lovingkindness. May you be well. May you be peaceful and at ease. And, may you be happy. I offer this same prayer to each of you at this glorious time of celebration! And, I give you my love and my presence. As I repeated this several times this morning, it dawned on me - my presence is so much more meaningful than my presents! Happy Holidays!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
WOW! It's cold! 26 right now. But, I'm warm, thank goodness! Missed weekend posts - really tired Saturday after the drive back home in the rain most of the way. Sunday was a quiet one, resting, and unpacking, and resting some more. This morning - I'm energized! Eager to get to the Y for yoga class and then run a few Christmas errands. I'm into the spirit after doing Christmas letter envelope addressing yesterday. Wish I had time to write long letters to each, but just can't make myself do that. The tiny notes were fun to do anyway. I'm eagerly awaiting more photos and notes from others. This is to be a busy day. Forgive me for the short, nothing much to say, note! I'll do better tomorrow.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Friday at South Beach
Last day in the villa. FINALLY warm. Actually took nice walk on the beach a couple hours ago! And, will get in at least one more today. Discovered a strange sight I cannot explain. Does anybody recognize this sack of something? Still hundreds of jellyfish on the beach again. Couple more nice photos this morning and one of Kate at her new Power Yoga Studio in Savannah that I took yesterday.----So glad my final day here is warm - looks like I'll be going back to real cold again tomorrow when I get home! And, it's not even January yet! ---for you shoppers - At the Liz Claiborne outlet yesterday we heard that they are closing all of their outlets - I got stuff at 70% off - real bargains are available if you like the brand. Back to knitting, reading, just being!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Being with the cold - being with what is!
Jim and me at Roast Fish and Cornbread
It's warm! I'm sitting in front of the wall of glass looking at the birds feeding at the edge of the ocean, the sun is up, surface of the Sound, actually the ocean is to my left, is rough, but not many whitecaps, tide is coming in moving to my right. There is a breeze, so no walk on the beach this morning - but hopefully this afternoon when we return from Savannah. We will be visiting Kate's new Savannah Power Yoga studio which will be opening January 2. -----Yesterday morning was another cold one, but it looks like the bitter cold is over with for now. What fun it has been to be here in this - I've been when it was too cold to walk the beach, but never when it was too cold to be outside! This time of just being with what is has been glorious. Being with what is - that's what I'm truly trying to get hold of somehow. Therein lies peace. I know that much. Since it was too cold to be outside and I was bored with being in my villa, I spent a few hours in the mall yesterday after lunch with Jim at Roast Fish and Cornbread.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
South Beach Third Day
Still very cold here - feels like 18 this morning but will get up to 40 or so. Jim and Anne came over last night for the sunset - pizza and champagne, and Like Water in Chocolate movie together. Fun gathering. Today will be another inside one for the most part, but by tomorrow I will be able to venture out for a walk at least by noon. It is truly amazing, still, how free I feel away from home. There's nothing I feel obligated to do, get done, or plan to do. The doing requirement just falls away and leaves me being. I haven't even set foot in Chico's yet and I've been here two whole days! I'll probably fix that late today while it's too cold to do much but shop. I did shop at Fresh Market on Saturday when I arrived. What a joy! Found some gluten free pasta (corn) that I am enjoying. Thinking now about trying the Paleo diet - which appears to be pretty close to what I'm doing already. Except I've been eating a lot of grains. Jim's got my copy of the book right now, so don't really know what it says about corn. One thing I am testing now - I'm eliminating ice from my drinks and drinking warm water with meals to aid digestion. Only makes sense that ice would solidify stuff and warm water would help dissolve it. Anyhow, can't hurt me. Watched a friend in Ireland drinking hot water with meals and thought she was nuts, but it really does taste right! -----I've closed the vertical blinds to keep the warmth in but left a small window open so I can watch the birds and the water and the sunlight beginning to brighten into the new day of being.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Monday morning at South Beach. Last evening I ventured onto the beach for about 2 minutes - wind was blowing sand everywhere and even the lone little palmetto was bending! Now today, you can see whitecaps on the Sound and the pine tree bending toward the left - out to sea with the tide. It's very windy - I took that photo from inside my villa. The buildings are on Daufuskie Island, across the Sound. ---- So far, a wonderful stay! I'm coloring a mandala, learning to read my Kindle, knitting dishcloths and Sam's blankie, and even started my second book this morning. Woke with a compulsion I couldn't resist! Feels good to have turned "All By Myself" over to Jim so now I can write a new story. Stay tuned!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
South Beach First Day
Here I am! Looking out my window at Calibogue Sound with the Atlantic to my left and Savannah in the distance behind the pine tree. And a view of my villa (center of building) from the beach last evening. Also, jellyfish beached! Never seen anything like it. This is so much fun - here's another couple of shots I took last evening.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Being,doing,having enough
What a great day yesterday! I got all kinds of things done that were really fun. It's rare to have a day when nothing needs to be done - just doing what comes to mind moment by moment. I am truly happy I found time to write my Christmas letter. I've been doing that for about a dozen years and it's always fun to re-read the letters each year. They make a nice memory bank which I expect even grandchildren will enjoy one day.---Also, another very happifying thing - I took a bunch of stuff to the Faith Home - old Christmas decorations, three really nice skirts that are now too big for me and a few other things that others can enjoy as Christmas gifts either to give or receive. I've noticed that my giveaways are becoming more valuable monetarily as time goes by. What a joy! I'm not just giving away junk, but almost like-new expensive possessions. What a blessing to know that I am financially secure and that I will always have "enough." I recently bought for my Kindle a book by Wayne Muller entitled something like "Living a Life of Being, Doing and Having Enough." I am eager to get to reading it! I think I'm beginning to FEEL that I am being, doing and having enough - WHAT A RELIEF! You'll hear more about this in days to come, rest assured. -----Word is it will be raining much of the time while I'm gone - at least there it will be doing so ---great time for reading and writing - my two favorite pastimes. I've finally realized why they are so satisfying for me - Reading and writing lift veils concealing who I really am.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Christmas Tree 2010
Last day here before my week off. Some may wonder why I need a week off - I do myself sometimes. But, the fact is, a change of scenery does wonders for my psyche! The stimulation of seeing new places and faces stirs my imagination and lights my fires. And, especially the ocean sounds and movements are inspiring, calming, and exciting - all at the same time. My imagination takes off in such an environment. So, I will write, of course. In addition, getting away from home responsibilities, is a relief - even for me with arguably the least home responsibilities of anyone I know! I work hard to keep it that way. There are so many other delightful things to do and think about--like imagining. Imagining (daydreaming, some might call it) is one of my favorite pastimes. I spend a lot of time dreaming up new projects, trying on new ideas, giving up old used-up, outgrown ideas, and just settling into who and where and what I am at the moment. There's a lot to be said for living "in the present moment." And a lot has already been said about it and written about it. ------ Grandchildren help one remember the joy of imagining. Check out the photo of my Christmas tree decorations for this year. There are 5 new ones the children made Thanksgiving while here. Compare this tree with the one at yesterday's post to find them.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Battling the Cold
Here's my Christmas tree with last year's ornaments - handmade by grandchildren! Today I'll add this year's ornaments and photograph it again. By the way, if you click on the photo it will enlarge. Just in case you didn't know that!
Can't believe it was last Monday when I wrote! I've been writing all week and finally wrapped up Draft 4 of All By Myself. So now I'm looking for publishing oportunities (Jim and I both are) - just can't resist making a few inquiries. If any of you have any suggestions, please pass them along. ------There is ice on the Pond at the shallow end over by the island and in the cove and a small amount here near the dam right at the shoreline. Wonder when we'll get the whole Pond frozen over like last year once? I remember photographing the ducks standing on the ice. If this cold continues, like it seems to plan to do, it won't be too long. Predictions are for a high of 29 next Monday or Tuesday - thank goodness I'll be in Hilton Head where it will be 39! Not going to be much walking on the beach, but at least I'll be looking at it from my villa.----Yesterday I sealed all the windows in the cottage with clear plastic sheeting and it clearly made a difference. I had been wondering why the bathroom was so cold and discovered I'd never shut the storm window! So, closing that helped, too. I just can't live with closed curtains, so must use the clear plastic so I can open them and not be too cold - or have the propane gas burning all the time! ---The whole world outside is so clear and bright! What a joy to be able to watch the sun come through the trees and warm up things just by seeing it! One of my dreariest memories was the gray skies in Eugene, Oregon from September to May! Not good for one's attitude, at least it wasn't good for mine! Even frigid Iowa City was more bearable because of the brightness of the sun reflecting off the snow and ice.
Monday, December 6, 2010
When do I have only enough?
Happy Monday morning! Yesterday was a COLD one. Still, the Yogatorium was nice and warm when Guilda and I did some back work. The book is very close to ready for Jim to look again. Feeling good about it. Also feeling good about my work with yoga students. Looking forward to second class at the Y this morning. Have managed without buying groceries for several days now, but must go today - STILL eating Thanksgiving turkey, lamb, dressing, sweet potatoes, etc. We overcooked this year and I'm getting pretty tired of the same old stuff. ---- JacqueB solved one book mystery for me. I had been writing about our consumeristic society and quoting a speaker from a couple years ago who kept talking about ENOUGH. That is, when is what I have enough? I couldn't remember his name and dear Jacque came up with it - Wayne Muller - and notes she had made! What a great friend! By the way, what I have is still more than enough, but I'm working on paring it down to just enough. Great challenge for the new year! The problem when you have more than enough is you still have to take care of all of it! This results in wasting a lot of time doing that instead of something more to my liking! Plus, it makes it really hard to find what you want when you have to go through all the stuff you don't want or need to find it! And that's my philosophical message for today!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Horse trapped
Whee! It's COLD. And looks like it's gonna get colder! Thank goodness I'll have a week with at least somewhat warmer weather after I get to Hilton Head on next Saturday. Usually about ten degrees warmer at the coast. For now, hot chocolate for breakfast really lifted my spirits. -----good yoga session at 3:00 yesterday - looking forward to another today and tomorrow at 3:00.----Not much to report today except that I will venture forth and get some laundry done ---- need to go to town to renew a prescription anyway so might as well do laundry at the same time. ------Proud of myself yesterday when I managed to replace a strip of molding in the bathroom that had been broken. Needed a small saw, but had to make do with a utility knife. Anyhow, it's fixed! Always makes me feel good to fix something like I've never fixed before. Part of the fun of living alone. My Mom was an expert at fixing stuff - Dad was always gone during the week and some things just couldn't wait - like the time the horse fell into the water trough and was trapped lying on his back! Mom had to get neighbors to help get the horse out, but she made it happen! We never did figure out how the horse managed to get in there unless another one shoved him in????
Friday, December 3, 2010
Just stuff
Well, Jim solved the computer mystery! He, too, had trouble and called Verizon customer support to learn that the data transmission all over the southeast was not functioning!!! Of course, later, it was. Their mobile phones were OK, but not the internet connections. ----- Made a lot of progresson the ms yesterday and eager to get back at it this morning. ----Had the curtains open for a few minutes and noticed a strange phenomenon - the mist on the Pond was traveling west to east for a while and the next time I looked it had reversed - going east to west! Then, it seemed to meet in the middle coming in from both directions at once! STRANGE. ------Today for the first time, yoga at 3:00 in the Yogatorium. Hope that new time for Friday, Saturday and Sunday will attract more people. -------One more Thanksgiving photo. Walker has progressed to removing his fish from the hook without help - at least sometimes! Can you guess which SC university is his fave?
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Computer stuff still
Well, I'm still at it. Seems like this week is computer fixit week! Spent all day Tuesday going to and from Atlanta to have the boys uninstall a virus, now today can't seem to get connected to the internet - finally made that happen and then couldn't do email. Lastly to CU help desk and a new password. In a few minutes I'll test that and see what happens. This is not at all what I had planned for this day. Guess what, plans don't always pan out! So, we roll with the punches and shift our emphasis! It is such now that I simply can't function without my internet connection and emails! So, sometimes the system just has to be refurbished, or needs an oil change, a tune=up or whatever. Think I'll look at a nice scene on the Pond from Thanksgiving! Luke is watching Gus after his ball near the pedal boat.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Computer Virus Conquered
What a day yesterday was! On Monday, Tate and I tried to fix what was wrong with my computer via phone and just couldn't do it. So, I left for Atlanta yesterday morning at 6:30 - drove the 3 hours to his office and we spent four hours getting rid of the virus, with Luke's help, and I drove back home. This morning, I'm TIRED. But, my computer is cured! Without any antibiotics, but lots of antics, the virus was defeated. How fortunate I am to have two sons willing and able to do such for me! We all kind of enjoyed the time together in spite of missing lunch. ------ Now I'm back to the All By Myself ms. I have ten days to polish it before taking it to Hilton Head with me for readers Jim has located. ------- Taught my first yoga class at the YMCA on Monday and was very pleased with the group of 13 who showed up and apparently really liked my teaching style. We'll see how it goes from here. ------ It's turned cold now, lows below freezing and highs in the low 50s. So, it's a good time to stay in and study and write and read. Some day soon, however, I must venture out to the laundromat and get all the sheets and towels washed from Thanksgiving. But today is an at home one. Just for fun, I'll add another photo from the Thanksgiving weekend. Here's Walker and Tate canoeing.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Haymonds at the Pond
Sunday after Thanksgiving. Missed yesterday - too many things going on since Sam and Jack spent the night with me and were eager to get things happening! Tate's family left late Friday but we did get our family photo in and later Luke's family and I went to the Hwy 25 Drive-in for "the best cheeseburger you'll ever eat" (and I agreed) then the new Harry Potter show. We all snuggled together in the back of Luke's truck with many blankets, gloves, hats, etc. and were relatively comfortable - so much so that I was shocked when the movie was over! It drizzled rain much of the night, but not nearly enough to stop us! They don't have the speakers on the posts any more - you listen to the car radio for the sound - so we opened the window between the cab and the back and could hear just fine. Luke remembered as a child going to the same drive-in to watch the John Wayne classic "The Cowboys" during the 70s. -----After Luke's famiy left yesterday morning, I spent much of the rest of the day packing leftovers into individual servings into the freezer. And, of course, watching the Clemson-Carolina game. In my case, it doesn't really matter who wins - I attended both schools! Of course, it matters to sons and their families - except for Susan - she, too, attended Carolina.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Day After Thanksgiving
Good morning! What a beautiful day we had yesterday! We didn't quite get to eveything we'd planned - lke toasting marshmallows, but we did have a busy, busy day - ending last night with our tradition of watching slides. With Tate's diligence, we managed to get the old projector to perform one more time. And what great laughs we got at the ridiculous pictures of Tate and Luke as babies and kids. Their children always get a kick out of them. Before that, we each painted our own t-shirts and that, too, was a hoot! Such works of art!!! Today we'll try to get a group photo, but some of the globs of paint will still probably be wet. Oh well, what's a little paint scattered here and there! Two fried turkeys, two chunks of lamb, sweet potatoes, etc, etc, finished off with some antacids! Lots of beer, champagne,and fishing, canoeing, pedal boating, and even a yoga class where the grandkids - all 5 of them performed like serious students. Well, Sam did get the giggles when we finished up with chanting OM, but that's forgiveable. It is pretty funny the first time around. Haven't yet transferred any photos to the laptop, but will soon. Tate got my new wireless connection working - it is better, Jim, and taught me a couple of well-known to everybody else, but not to me, things to make my computing work easier. All in all, it was a glorious day - and we still have one more all together before Tate's crew goes to Clemson and the rest of us head out to Harry Potter at the Drive-in.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thanksgiving Day
The boys are fishing already - Walker has caught three little bream in the first 15 minutes! So, the boys are happy - as long as the fish keep biting. This won't be long. Everyone else is beginning to wake - except Luke, Susan and Gus (the dog) who are sleeping in the "love shack" - better known as the cabin. We all were busy preparing food last evening getting ready for the big cooking day today. What a blessing - Happy Thanksgiving all!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Hooded Mergansers Visit
Wow! What a thrill. Noticed two new ducks fly in -very small ones - with lots of white showing - finally with the field glasses I could identify them! They are migrating south and just stopped in to say Hello. Fun to watch them go under and pop up again ten or twelve feet away - they stuck close to each other as they fed along the other side of the Pond. The two resident male mallards kept a very careful eye on them and attempted to run them off at one point. For now, all four have disappeared over in the little cove, I think. Hope they show up again when the grandchildren arive. What first grabbed my attention was all the white showing and then the diving under and swimming quite a ways before popping up again! Beautiful birds!!! What a great Thanksgiving gift! --------Got the graham cracker crumb crusts put together and baked (best kind) and they are ready for the kids to make the fillings tonight. Next I'll work on the blue cheese potatoes - won't be quite the same without CLEMSON blue cheese, but couldn't find it here this year. Hope EVERY ONE OF YOU enjoys a familly filled Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Thanksgiving Memories from Last Year
Here it is - only two more days till the family arrives for Thanksgiving holiday together. What a cause for celebration! I am so blessed to have this opportunity to be with both sons and their beautiful families. These days always come with great joy and wonderful memories. I remember from last year, for example, Tate tending the turkey fryer - major problem, leaves from the oak tree falling all around the cooker! I don't know whether any leaves actually made it into the oil, but I doubt it. He's a VERY good tender! And, another highlight - Luke fell out of the canoe into the Pond while protecting all the grandchildren from doing that!!! And, of course, little Sam woke early and the bigger kids shooed him out of the Yogatorium where they all sleep and locked the door so he couldn't disturb their sleep any more! Or, at least, that's the story I got. Tate managed to purchase an upgrade on the TV so he could get football from ESPN. The Cottage is just the right size for all ten of us to find a spot to sit down while we stuff ourselves with turkey, lamb, cherry o'cheese pie, and the other traditional foods that have become a part of our stuffing day. This year, I've brought two more tables into the living area to hold some of the many trays of food a little more conveniently. We watched the slides - probably for the last time since the old projector had to be manually operated - the grandchildren love seeing all the baby pictures of their Dads. Somehow I never got around to doing something else with the slides - maybe next year? This year, the plan is to each paint our own t-shirts. We'll see how that plan works out. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL!
Monday, November 22, 2010
You don't make friends
Some of you know that one of my aims in recent years has been to make more women friends. When I read something about how to do this a few minutes ago, I felt compelled to share it. From The Golden Present, Satchidananda, you don't make friends, you become a friend. How true that is! I recall while in Santa Fe attending a four-day yoga teacher training at Prajna Temple - during lunch breaks I walked over to a woman and began visiting with her. In every case, she approached me the next day! And we still email each other! ----- Why do I try to make life so complex when in fact, it is really simple. Many of us are beginning to learn this - simplifying has become a popular thing to at least think about. Doing it has been one of the most fruitful steps I've taken toward happiness. It has become a game for me now. Almost every day I find something and set it aside to give away. I learned yesterday that the Literacy Council has a used books store near Piedmont Tech - that's where I'll take my used books now. ------Today is laundry day - haven't washed towels in three weeks or so and I need to pick up a few things in 96 anyway, so I'll run a load while I do.---then it's time to sweep and wash down the porch and clean out the planters of their weeds - many little oak seedlings - and clear our clutter in the yard. How wonderful it is to have guests (family especially) coming on Wednesday - gives me the obvious shove to clean up a bit! Don't want my daughters-in-law to see my place in a mess!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Culling Books
It's a bit overcast this morning, but the sun is doing it's best to light up the sky. The trees are sort of dull looking now - perhaps as the clouds move away their leaves will brighten a bit. But, I think the brightest colors are fading now as the days go by. More browns are showing up. ---- In a sort of totally unexpected urge I spent much of yesterday going through my bookshelves removing those that I don't really expect to ever open again. I have books on two sets of shelves in the Yogatorium I still haven't gone through. But I did pretty well clear out the four sets here in the Cottage. The incentive came from now owning a Kindle after recognizing it would allow for much simplification by eliminating the need for many actual books. (That is, when I figure out how to use it!) How nice it would be to have my library of real books whittled down to those I truly enjoy holding in my hands. I still have, but will eliminate, a thesaurus, 14,000 Quotes, Synonyms, and several other very large reference books that I haven't opened in years. I'll take them to the library and see if they have any use or them. Invariably I google what I am curious about. So, I'm recognizing that all these electronic gadgets can, at least in my case, simplify things. Of course, living on the fringe makes them a bit unreliable, but I can live with that. Aren't we all a bit unreliable at times? Certainly I am.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Hi-Tech Stuff - Living on the Fringe
My Kindle arrived yesterday. I meticulously followed the start-up instructions and had no trouble reading all the instructions on the Kindle, but can't get a way to order books. The little bars are all blank - not even the two tiniest ones are filled - as are filled when I'm using my Broadband internet connection to do this blog write. All the techie people check my location and report that I'm living on the fringe. I LOVE THAT. All my life I've tried to live on the fringe and now they tell me I am!!! Except in this case, it's going to be a bit inconvenient. Do you suppose I'll have to go to Greenwood (10 miles away) to get my Kindle to function? Or maybe even Atlanta? Do you suppose I'll be able to read them once I get them in the thing? Oh well, Luke or Tate will be able to straighten everything out for me when they get here on Wednesday. They also will have to help me figure out what to do with my new internet access goodie that fits into the usb port. It's a replacement for the one that goes into a slot with the idea that maybe a newer one will give me better access. We'll see. In the meantime, life goes on. --------Got lentil soup and cranberry molded salad made yesterday and got in a good yoga session with Maureen last evening. Got my flu shot and had lunch with Lori at Kickers - we'd been quite a few weeks without our lunch together so especially nice to connect again. -------This afternoon our group of Spiritual Sisters meets at Susan Tucker's to celebrate completing the Lovingkindness book and to get organized to begin the Insight Meditation workbook and CD's for the next several months. How fortunate we are to have this group to keep us all on track! And, even if I am living on the fringe, I still intend staying on my pathway! I may wander a bit and even come close to losing it, but I will remember my mantra - currently "I give my presence and love."
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Thanksgiving shopping
It's afternooon - busy morning - grocery shopping for Thanksgiving. Found two turkeys the right size. Leg of lamb to be in tomorrow. Sweet potato souffle, macaroni and cheese, cherry o' cheese pie, cornbread dressing, blue cheese potatoes, ambrosia, pecan pie, ingredients now spread all over the kitchen! Got the Chex snack mix made and will work on one thing at a time till they're all ready. Still need whipping cream and no doubt several more trips to the store will occur before it's all together. What a fun thing to anticipate everyone being here - some of the fun is in the anticipation and preparation. The big anticipation this year is to go to the drive-in theater. It reopened a year ago and I'm sure the kids will enjoy that experience. My boys used to enjoy going in the pick-up truck and sitting in the back in butterfly chairs! Don't know how we'll work it out this year. -----Just walked out to the mailbox and once again, the leaves are so very beautful this year, don't you think? I don't recall the bright color hanging around so long before.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
What synchronicity! Last night, for the very first time in 5 years, not one single student showed up for Yoga for Any Body at the church! I was thrilled! Jim and I had an extra hour or so together by the Cabin fire with Bella, his dog. -----It poured rain last night. Everything looks clean this morning - the surface of the Pond is bright with fall colors reflected. Jim will be leaving this morning to return to Hilton Head. He likes the All by Myself story third draft. I'll have it reworked and polished a bit after Thanksgiving. For now, I'll enjoy prepping for Thanksgiving - the one time each year my whole family, all ten of us (and Bob's Spirit, too) gather here at the Pond! What a blessing for me!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Maples in the Fall
I have another couple of photos that you might enjoy. Have you ever viewed a lovelier carpet? Or a lovelier forest maple? How can anyone be unhappy in a world like we have to view this fall? Smiles keep popping onto my face as I glance out the windows this morning. It is raining and promises to keep raining all day. I truly love these rainy days that allow, no, insist I stop doing and just be. Drops are falling in long streaks from the edge of the roof into the Pond. I wish it were warmer so I could open the door and hear them plop into the water. Maybe when the fridge motor stops, I can hear them.------Jim is cooking supper tonight and we'll share a fire in the fireplace in the cabin. This will be a first fire of the fall for me. There's something special about fires----and water, too. I'll hurry home from yoga this evening so we can enjoy our last evening here together.
Monday, November 15, 2010
ROSE Circle Yoga
Change of plans - Jim came yesterday! So, worked feverishly to get the ms in shape for him to take a look at it. This is No. 3 draft. I'm predicting there will be perhaps a dozen drafts before this project is over. My plan is to have a readable draft before Christmas so that we can pass it on to some readers for help. Any volunteers? -----I finished painting bedroom furniture - to keep my sanity, I must do something active in between sessions of writing----and just moved it all back into place. Still have two more small pieces of white furniture I'll work on next. Seems like long ago when white furniture in bedrooms was popular. Usually by the time I get around to changing, the old fashion is back in! -------- The Pond is quiet this morning, hardly a ripple anywhere - many leaves float on the surface. I'm eager to get back over to the labyrinth. Greg mowed the large area behind it and Randy has cleaned up the labyrinth borders. Perhaps I can get another photo today. ----Last evening eight young women, members of the ROSE circle at ILC came out for a yoga session. What fun it was! I absolutely love working with students who are eager - and all of them were eager. At times like this, I know I'm on the right path!--By the way, did I tell you I will begin Monday at 10:30 am Yoga for Any Body at the Greenwood Y? First session on Monday following Thanksgiving. -----Jim's showed up for breakfast together. ----- May your Monday be magnificent!----Namaste.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
The Celtic Tree at Springbank
Friday, November 12, 2010
Cold and Y Yoga
Just opened the curtains enough to peek out at the Pond. Lots of fog or mist of some kind now. I'm finally accepting these cold mornings and putting on wool sweaters. Being cold is just not my thing - I hate it! Maybe one day I'll find a way to spend the winter months in a warmer climate, but for now, I wear wool. ------ Yesterday I filled out an application for employment at the Y in Greenwood. The last time I filled out such a form was in 1975 - 35 years ago! What fun! Some yoga student recommended me - Thanks to whoever did so - and I will be doing a trial run teaching on Monday mornings at 10:30 for a few weeks after Thanksgiving. If it works out to my satisfaction and theirs, I'll begin a regular class on January 10. It is my hope that this exposure will increase the number of students who come to the Yogatorium. My main interest is continuing my mission both at the Yogatorium and at ILC. ----- If you decide to try the Y class, dress warmly! The room is cold. ----- Now it's time to move into my rewriting work before I use up all my creativity! ---- Have a GREAT day!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Writing, Studying, Cooking and a Pedicure
Good morning! What a great day yesterday! I had the entire day alone to do as I chose. Ended up writing and reading what I've written in my journals for the last 5 years or so and other stuff I've written just for fun. What a revelation! I've been at my spiritual journey much longer than I realized - at least eleven years! I had forgotten how early in my personal growth work it entered my considerations. I also had forgotten much of the material I prepared for speaking and workshops on finding happiness. Surprisingly, some relevant messages came to the forefront again. ----- When all that studying got tiresome, I cooked! Cooking is a wonderful release mechanism for me - especially making soup - and cooking veggies I've never cooked before - like beets. I love beets but until yesterday had never cooked them. Soups I make up without a recipe always astound me when they taste really good! Yesterday's soup contained quinoa and lentils. If I had found the barley in my pantry, I would have included that, too. But, didn't find it until late last evening. Used broths from former vegetable cooking that I stored in the fridge. ------ Oh, I almost forgot - the highlight of the day was a pedicure at a salon in Greenwood. What a joy! I've only had two before in my life - one in Jamaica and another in Santa Fe. I pride myself on being able to reach my own toes, but I certainly can't perform the ritual the salon offers! Jenny even exfoliated my lower legs and feet with a kind of salt? rub! What a great feeling! ---- Don't forget to indulge occasionally-- or even more often, if you feel like it!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Celtic Tree on Vision Quest at Springbank
I'm back with you. Left on Thursday and returned Sunday from an Elder Vision Quest at Springbank Retreat Center near Kingstree. I had been there several times before but never on a vision quest. Pam and Marcy did an excellent job of facilitating. The 5-hour solo in the forest was a memorable experience - the photo is of my site at the Celtic Tree - so named because of the three prongs. The Celts placed emphasis on triplicity in many ways - one reason Christianity (one God in three forms) was so readily incorporated. Except for the extreme cold (36 degrees) early in the morning, or maybe because of it, the time was well spent! Next time I go on a vision quest, however, I'll do it when it's warmer. Perhaps the best part was the camaraderie that developed among the women. I knew two others, but the rest were new friends. We spent several sessions in "council" sharing and one session around a bonfire surrendering attachments which was especially rewarding. ----- The mist over the Pond this morning seems to accentuate the bright red leaves of the maple trees - I love this time of year. I've brought in two heaters for the cottage and they are handling the cold very well. The price of propane gas to heat was very high last winter and I expect it to be even higher this year, so I'm converting to electricity as my primary source of heat. ---- Wow! The red maples are so ALIVE! I'll include a photo.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Brush your heart before you go to sleep.
What a beautiful morning. It's raining - I woke to the rain and have been sitting by the window watching it for two hours now - writing, eating my oatmeal, and watching the rain. How could anyone envision a more beautiful time? ----- Last evening's yoga session was a bit different. We did several of the asanas holding them for 5 breaths. It worked well so we'll continue doing some of this as the sessions continue. -----The photo was taken recently and shows a few red maple leaves floating on the Pond with their backsides showing. I love the symbolism of the triune. Yesterday I picked a red sassafras three-lobed leaf. Fall is definitely here. In the triune, I see my ordinary self, my authentic self, and my God, all as a unit. ------ I just read a practical suggestion from Satchidananda I'll share: Before you go to sleep, you brush your teeth. Also brush your heart. Clean out all the negative feelings by talking with the person. I love that "Brush your heart." Wouldn't it be great if we could always sweep out or brush off the negative feelings! I remember my Mother saying, "Don't go to bed mad." Which I sometimes did then. But not now! I'll remember to brush my heart.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Sorry I've been neglecting the blog, but having lots of good times! The photo is of 3 Pod sisters: Ann, Sara, and JacqueB after a visit to the labyrinth. The other photo is Paula and Jimmy. We met Kathy at the Hampton Inn in Clinton and the 5 of us headed for Carlisle and Nanette's home for the beautiful wedding. First, we stopped in Greewood at Miss Ann's to pick up fried chicken for the lunch following the wedding. What a memorable experience for us. We gather four times a year but nothing like this has been a part of our gatherings before. ------- It's early. When I began this post, there was some light in the sky but I couldn't see the Pond. Now I can. Looks a bit overcast. Perhaps we'll have rain. I love rainy days here - hearing the rain on the tin roof of the porch I always open the door so I can hear it better, What is it about rain on a tin roof? I think it might be some sense of abundance
Friday, October 29, 2010
Pod Sisters and Paula's Wedding
Good morning! The weekend has begun! Three Pod Sisters arrived yesterday - Ann, Sara, and JacqueB are in the cottage and I'm enjoying the cabin for a change. I always feel like I'm on vacation when Pod Sisters arrive - especially if I move up to the cabin for the weekend. Haven't done this in a long time, and it's fun - get my writing done, which I would not if I were with them. Besides, they're all still asleep! ------ Tomorrow we're off to Carlisle, SC to see Paula and Jimmy get married. They were best friends when they were children and a year ago found each other again - yep, via the internet. We are all so excited and happy for both of them. I'm eager to meet Jimmy - from his photos he looks a bit like Bob - especially his beard. At any rate, today will be spent in spiritual pursuits - the four of us will do some meditation, check-ins and certainly a yoga session. We're also going to spend some time discussing a poem - yet to be chosen. Altogether, today and tomorrow will be a time of bonding that is rare - we are all so grateful to have found each other through the Claritas Interspiritual Mentor training program a few years ago. If you haven't yet found such a group - let me know and we'll start another one!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
A Hidden Wholeness - Change
Hello! It's almost nine o'clock. I slept long and well. Woke to a lovely warm morning so I'm on the porch in my rocking chair watching the water move. Leaves are now floating on the Pond and taking rides on the tiny wave motions. A fish just jumped. I see one turtle head above the surface. The colors are beginning to be more dramatic - I must stop and take photos before the sunlight changes. ----- It changed from bright colors to dull ones in just that moment or two. So like life. Change. All around us and within us, change is constant. I guess that's an oxymoron! How can change be constant? Perhaps continual is a better word or is it continuous? I could never get those two words straight in my head. ---- Last evening's yoga class was delightful. I have graduated to doing more teaching and both I and they like this. At least, I do! ----- Today is a free one. Nothing scheduled except evening yoga. I will spend much of today contemplating my spiritual direction phone session with Joan yesterday. She always opens my heart and head to different ways of seeing. We talked about Parker Palmer's books and style of writing and messages. The past ten months of studying A Hidden Wholeness produced a closing of the gap of my two selves - learning to live an "undivided life." There is more work to do, and there always will be, but the door has opened and I like what I've seen.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
CSA weekend and Yogatorium
Good morning! I'm home by the window again. It's overcast and may rain more and will be just fine. I need quiet time inside. The weekend at Center for Spiritual Awareness was very helpful. Good yoga sessions each morning at 7:00 with an Indian woman who taught me several new movements we can use in our sessions here. It's always so rewarding to me to attend yoga classes taught by someone else. I always learn new things that add to my enjoyment of my own practice as well as my teaching. If you're interested, go to to learn more about the place. It's very near Tallulah Falls in the North Georgia mountains. -------- Seven students attended yoga session at the Yogatorium last evening. A wonderful community is forming. I feel so blessed to have this opportunity. My life is enriched beyond words by this association with these beautiful budding yoginis! The space was designed to accommodate 20 students, so come join us - there's lots of room left! Come early to enjoy legs-up-the-wall with us before class begins.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Fall Cleaning
I think I'm getting ready for winter. Began cleaning house yesterday with my bedroom. More like redecorating. I have a hooked rug Lil (Bob's mother) made for us many years ago while she was confined to home with emphysema and oxygen. She had a great sense of humor. My favorite words of hers are "The UFO man brought me a package yesterday." I still refer to him mentally that way. The rug has never had a proper home. The colors are all fall colors: brown, orange, yellow, off-white. I made needlepoint pillows years ago in the same colors and pattern. The last couple of days I painted one dresser deep chocolate brown and the other dusky orange. (Not Clemson bright!) Now the rug looks like it belongs. It has some company. ---- It's interesting how inspired I get to decorate - it's rare - usually I'm quite content with things just as they are - simple, off-white, with a bit of red here and there. But, I've lived here now four years, so it's time for some change. The Santa Fe bright colors inspired me this time. Besides, winter is coming and I'll be inside much more and need the brightness to light up my surroundings a bit.----- I'm spending this weekend at Lakemont in the North Georgia mountains at a Center for Spiritual Awareness - a new experience I'm looking forward to - yoga, meditation, and some inspirational talks as well as vegetarian food. I'll give you a report next week. Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Writing and Painting and Sirsasana
Guess who!
First bright red maple leaves!
Good morning! What a nice day yesterday - finishing with a Netflix movie "Into the Silence." An intriguing movie - no dialogue and few subtitles - fantastic photography - the opportunity to watch monks as they go about their days. Certainly not for everyone, but I was very comfortable with it - probably because I had experienced Mepkin Abbey near Charleston - actually nearest Moncks Corner. During those silent retreats my day began at 3:30 (or was it 3:00?) in the morning in the chapel participating in all the worship activities throughout the day. A truly memorable experience.-------Today I'll continue my writing and perhaps try two sessions rather than only one. Learning to write is another intriguing experience. This time, I am fulfilling a request from Jim, but also one my sons and their families will enjoy one day, too. Maybe not until they are older, but one day. ---------- In between writes, I'll put the second coat of paint on my dresser covering the black and gold antiquing I put on it probably 50 years ago. It's a solid oak three-drawer dresser for which I paid $10 in Riverside, California, the first year Bob was a university faculty member. -------- I'll try to add a couple of photos, but image uploads can't be added until later, some kind of maintenance going on. I guess most folks aren't up until 7:00.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Brother and Sister
Jim is here. We have a wonderful venture together - producing a book. I am the writer and he is everyone else. So far we've done very well. He outlined the kind of book he thought we should produce and I totally ignored what he said! I wrote the kind of book I know how to write and now I will rewrite it. I won't throw away what I did, of course, but I will attempt to produce what he had in mind originally. The awesome thing about this experience is that we both admire each other and accept that each of us is smart, capable, and necessary if this project is to come to fruition, that is a published, marketed book. Respect for each other is absolutely essential for this to work. And, we have that. How exceedingly fortunate we are! So, stay tuned for further developments. And, if you have suggestions, please pass them on. Neither of us has any experience in producing a marketable book. We're learning as we go. Oh, the tentative title is "All By Myself." Probably I already told you that? That's me, I'm living all by myself now. And, loving it.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Take a Deep Breath
Sam took a deep breath.
I woke this morning at 2:00, got up at 3:00 and began my day. Strange, but sometimes I understand those who rise early regularly on purpose - like the monks at Mepkin Abbey - 3:00 in the morning is a lovely time. I will be looking out the window watching the light come. How reassuring it is to sit here and know that the light will come. -----My approach to Hatha Yoga now is to seek the light, the truth. The route is well defined and described in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras which are one pada (portion) of my current study. (Excuse me for inserting Sanskrit words in my writing, but I am working on adding some familiarity with these words and writing them is an assist.) Until this morning I thought pada had to do with the foot, and maybe it does? ----- Meanwhile, back at the ranch: What I am thinking of this morning is the overall yoga philosophical approach. In order to reach the truth, we learn to control (1) physical body (2) movement of the life force (breath), (3) then the senses (4) and finally the mind. In that order, more or less. There is some overlap. Here's an interesting observation: the breath and mind are interconnected, interdependent, related. Think about that. If we slow down the breath, we calm the mind. If the mind becomes agitated, the breath does too. Since breathing is a physical phenomenon, it is easier to work on controlling it and thereby the mind, rather than the other way round. Everyone knows this: "take a deep breath" means calm down, right? And, the mind does calm down when we take a deep breath. Of course, it may take several, not just one deep breath. Be grateful for your ability to breathe!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Potential of Stillness
Photo taken last fall, not this year.
At the window again - a bit cool on the porch. Mist is moving across the Pond again this morning. The sun is up and illuminating all the trees on the far side. There is an oak with a small patch of yellow and a few yellow leaves scattered among the green. Yesterday I noticed a hickory in the woods with bright yellow. Hickories, I think, are the best yellows. There is still mostly green in evidence, but dulling now. Leaves flutter to the ground when the wind blows, but no wind now. All is still. My favorite place - stillness. Only the mist is moving. The refrigerator motor is running - it's very old and very loud! And, the heat is on so its fan is also running. Even so, it is still and relatively quiet. And when the motors stop, the sudden quiet is beautiful. It's almost as if a gate or a door opens into a different place, a place of quiet and stillness. What do I find in there? It varies. Sometimes I don't even enter. Sometimes I get distracted and wait for the next sound. Occasionally, I venture into the quiet space and sometimes, rarely, it's true, I can stay for a while. Peace is what I find. What does it feel like? Still. Quiet. Emptiness - but with potential. Potential what? Just potential.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Meditation - Object Gazing
Meditation is on my mind this morning. For the past several weeks I've been concentrating on learning to sit on my mat with and without a cushion training my legs to relax and keep the knees lower than the hips. That has taken my attention. Now I'm ready to go back to the mental training. In the past, my most pleasant experiences involved gazing at a candle flame, my childhood photo, or a mandala. So, my practice now is using an object to gaze at while sitting. The interesting thing to me is the need for fine-tuning my meditation practice. Is this a life-long practice? I suspect so. I doubt seriously that I will perfect meditation, whatever that means. Certainly for now, I need much more training of both the body and the mind. And, I haven't even begun to get to the senses, but I will soon. ------- As most of you know, yoga has become my lifestudy for now. I almost wrote "lifestyle" but that would be a misnomer. At best, I am a student. Yes, I teach also, but the teaching itself is a tool for study. How fortunate I am to have discovered, rediscovered, my love of yoga physical practices and now, with excellent teachers, moving forward into the mind and philosophical work. ------ I am truly blessed to be in a position where I can do this. ------ This is a morning for gratitude! I'll insert a photo you might enjoy. If you click on it and enlarge you'll be able to read - the first part of St. Francis' Prayer - my favorite. Sara brought this for the center of the labyrinth - and there it remains!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Church social groups
Once again I've been negligent of blog writing. Today I feel much better. My energy level is rising! I finish the antibiotic today and it seems like good timing. So, I'm back to my old self. Last night's yoga class at the church was good. I did more teaching (only three students) individually and each one seemed to really enjoy the individual adjustments and suggestions. They are truly good, eager students. ------ Today is JOY group meeting and I'll enjoy being with the group. After that, I'll concentrate on getting ready for Jim's visit this weekend. ------ My essay writing this morning got pretty heavy - concerned with social groups connected with the church. I did a bit of soul-searching and came up with the notion that there is much for me to learn from the people in the group and I'm looking forward to being with them. I'm not eager to take on duties connected with groups any more. Somehow I'm more interested in my yoga, teaching, learning, studying, growing in truth understanding. I feel a bit uneasy NOT assuming some responsibilitywith groups, but that's the way it is for now. Perhaps that will change later. ----- I'll try to find appropriate photos soon - I know that makes the blog more interesting!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
A Slow Day
So, it's Sunday morning. Yesterday was a slow one. Today will be another slow one. I'll skip church and do my spiritual work here. I think the mole removal has shifted my body resources toward healing that spot and leaves the rest of me tired. Drained of energy may describe the feeling more accurately. Truly it is marvelous watching the body take care of itself - in spite of what I may think or wish or hope for, it does its own thing expertly! The trick is to enjoy the process. So, I'm cooking my steel cut oats - takes about 30 minutes - and getting set for a lazy, laid-back day again. What is wonderful about this type of day is that contemplation is easy, natural. Going inward is easier. There are fewer distractions from just being. ------- I am trying a new spot for writing - at my table where I can watch for birds at the feeders. And, lo and behold they are returning! One is on the bluebird box and another at the sunflower seed feeder. Just two days ago I refilled the feeders after being gone for over a month. I'll be surprised if I don't see many birds within the next couple of days. Now I'll have to get out my bird books and relearn who they are - Oh, a red cardinal just showed up - don't have to look that one up! It's the tiny ones I have trouble with. The less colorful ones. What a joy to have my bird friends join me. You know they are ideal pets! No vet bills - no messes to clean up - take care of themselves when I'm gone - just ideal pets for a woman like me who travels as much as possible! One day I'll get another dog - but not yet. Too confining - and I'm enjoying my freedom! In so many ways.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Goodness! I just realized I hadn't written since Tuesday! Where did the week go? I have been neglectng my blog! I have a good excuse, though. I am writing 600 words each morning now toward the creation of a second book - I did this in Santa Fe and just couldn't stop. And, sometimes it takes a couple of hours to get that many words down. -------Anyhow, today is an absolutely beautiful sunshiny day! I love it! I'll get to spend several hours on the porch with my knitting. I'm working on a "blankie" for grandson Sam which is really fun - designing it as I go. The other project is hard fine cotton thread on tiny needles for a summer sweater for myself - probably be next summer before I finish it! ------- Yesterday I had a mole removed from my upper arm and now I've got a good excuse for sitting around doing nothing! I hate having to change the dressing twice a day and look at the stitches! But, by the time I've done it twice a day for a few days, I'll be OK with it.------- I'm inserting a couple of photos - one of the Pond I took yesterday and another of my newly reupholstered chair - bought the fabric in Santa Fe. I promise to do a better job of communicating daily! Hugs to each of you who share my space with me!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Renewing Friendships
Yesterday was a busy one - all kinds of little things that needed to be done and kept me in the road - to Greenwood and then to Ninety Six. Today will be another busy one, so I'm glad I woke early for my ritual beginning. This evening I get to restart my yoga classes at the church and I truly look forward to seeing everyone again. It's been a long month or more since we met. -----the Pond is lovely this morning - a mist floating from east to west away from the dam, no direct sunlight yet, just lighted sky, but the sun will soon peep through the trees. It's 46 degrees so I'm not on the porch. Seems like fall came on suddenly! And, that's OK. I'll get back onto the porch later today. ----- I checked the labyrinth yesterday and found four huge fire ant hills! So, I'll have to treat them. How I wish we could live with them, but we really can't safely walk the area with them residing there. So, we'll have to ask them to move. ------ Time for breakfast and a shower. This morning I'm off to Circle meeting. Haven't seen these women since May - so looking forward to renewing these acquaintances. One of the fun things about coming home after a long vacation - everything seems new!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
An Introspective Look
This morning I finally feel like I'm home. I've spent a couple days in Atlanta, done a bit of work at the church, gotten into my yoga practice routine in the evenings, and now, finally, just this morning resumed my breath work and meditation upon arising. This final adjustment feels right. I began the morning work in Santa Fe and now realize how truly important it is to my wellbeing. This is something I've been trying to establish (twice a day yoga/meditation) for more than a year. Is there something like this in your head? What is it you know you need and want but just can't quite break loose? Why not indulge yourself today?
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Art and Yoga
I'm back from Atlanta - great time with families. Fun stop last evening in Greenwood to see Deb Granquist's art displayed at Meridian. Will be there all month, so stop by. Her work is truly delightful. I like all of it! From yogini to railroad tracks! -----It's now time for yoga sessions at the Yogatorium and at ILC. Thought you might enjoy a photo or two of me in teacher training in Santa Fe. Surya Little taught me some exciting new ways to work on my back - and legs, and neck, and head, and arms, and WHOLE BODY! It's hard to believe, but I actually lost an inch from my waist in the month. ------ So, come on out and I'll help you work on some of the same poses. All of you can begin working on the shoulder stand, for sure. We'll wait for the head stand - although, even though I hadn't done but one - during training in Asheville - I now am doing them daily - against a wall, but soon free standing! Just watch! Sorry I don't have a photo yet.------Have a great day!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Frogs are Singing
This morning I finally really feel like I'm home. In part, had my first home emergency - water on the floor beneath the refrigerator. My handyman, Randy, came out this morning and checked everything we could think of to check and we couldn't find any source of the water! So, I now have a clean refrigerator inside, outside, and underneath. We'll see if the water returns. If so, it's time to purchase a new one. In a way, I'll be glad - the motor on this one sounds like a freight train coming through the cottage. It must be at least 30 or 40 years old. For now, it's just wait and watch for a few more days. So, I'm now back in the ordinary world where chores demand attention. ----- Still, now I'm on the porch with my tea listening to the frogs talking to each other from both sides of the Pond. What a chatter! Must be the rainy days we've had that opened up their voice boxes. ---- Fall has arrived. I'm wearing my chaleco - too cool without a bit of covering. Some of the trees ae showing yellow and even a few orange leaves on a red maple. The persimmons are ripe. What a brilliant orange they are! My basil plants thrived on the long hot dry month! They look like shrubs or even small trees! Everything else, except a couple of succulents and my spider plant, died, or so it seemed. The rain brought much back to life again even though they looked dead for sure!------Nice to be back home again.----I'm off to Atlanta in the morning to see family for a couple of days.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Back Home at the Pond
Arrived home yesterday about noon. Long two and a half days on the road. The photo illustrates the long, straight highways in NM. If you click on it and enlarge it you'll be able to see the highway actually on the horizon. We traveled in rain much of the way. On Wednesday, the day we left, there were flash flood warnings and water ankle deep on the streets. It REALLY rained. I guess we brought the rain with us - a nice welcome home. Everything looks brown here.-----It's hard to describe the many wonderful things that happened during our month in Santa Fe. It is truly a world apart from Ninety Six - and yet there are people living and working day by day there, too. It is true that it is primarily an artist's mecca, but somehow that brings out the artist in me. There must be some somewhere? There is a strong since of individualism that appeals to me. It seem everyone is doing his or her own thing and yet there is a bonding too. One of the most enjoyable parts is the weather. We were able to be outside comfortably basically all day - except for the very middle of the day when it did seem hot even though dry. Just long enough for lunch and a nap! Then, back out to wander the streets or enjoy the courtyard. Before I end this trip blog, I want to say thank you to each one of you - particularly those who told me they were following it - it is a great inspiration to write when you know someone is reading your words! THANKS. I will keep the writing going from the Pond. But, it probably won't be as much fun to read. We'll see.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Last Day in Santa Fe
We're leaving one day early - home is drawing us! We've packed in all we can think of to do and will leave in the morning. To tell the truth, Abby and Charlie, are the biggest drawing cards. Grandmother Faye simply cannot be away another day than absolutely necessary. And, after my yoga session with Surya this afternoon, I'm ready, too. ----- Yesterday I had a delightful visit with new friend Connie at her home in Nambe - about 20 minutes out on the high road to Chimayo and Taos. The church in the photo is very near her home. I'm curious, but don't know why two crosses. Other than architecturally balanced? I'm curious. Maybe some good Catholic can explain it to me? ----- The other photo is of Camel Rock - most aptly named, don't you think? It is located between Santa Fe and Nambe. And, I couldn't resist another sunset photo from the rooftop night before last. ---- I stopped at a Nambe gift shop and discovered they no longer make the articles here - no doubt outsourced! What a shame. The same is now true of the Waterford crystal factory in Ireland. Still a gift shop, but no manufacturing going on.----Already folks are asking where I'm going next. And, I don't know. Considering Greece (remember Shirley Valentine?) or maybe Italy or Mexico or the Pacific Northwest or Ireland again? I'll decide in January when there's nothing else much to think about. ----- For now, just absolutely totally unequivocably happy with this Santa Fe trip. It has been a blast! And it ain't over yet, the fat lady doesn't sing until we arrive at the Pond! Probably Saturday sometime after noon. Thalma and Looeze are on the road again in the morning!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Day 27 in Santa Fe - Old Buildings and Sunsets
Buenos dias! Yesterday was spent getting to some of the things we still have on our lists. First stop was at the oldest church and the oldest house in the US. Right across from each other. Strange, we think our "oldest" things are all on the east coast. But, not so! The photo of the church is from the rear, especially strange looking, the front is pretty typical. Then, there's sunset from the rooftop of La Fonda and me obviously happy and I haven't even finished my margarita! Last evening's sunset photos are unbelievably beautiful. They were right. It is much more spectacular when clouds are around. Finally we ended the day at The Shed - again - this time we both had grilled shrimp (Frank had them when he was here). Faye and I agreed - they were very special! Extremely good. I did resist ordering seafood at first, but have to admit this was truly good! In between all of this, we are still writing, reading, knitting, and just breathing the clean air!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Four more days - as the days dwindle down
I just saw that it will be 100 today in 96. Makes me want to stay right where I am! Yesterday was another fun day. Began with a trip out of Santa Fe and up the mountains to the Amma Center ( where there were no activities occurring so we were given freedom to visit the temple and grounds. The mailbox sign reminded me of my Yogatorium one. Hopefully one day I'll have as many visitors as they do! We left a donation in return for a nice stone for the labyrinth. My car is filling with rocks from every place we go! That's Ganesh with Faye.-----From the Amma Center we stopped at a chocolatier for pistachio nut/green chile chocolate bark. Talk about HOT chocolate! There are three more in town we have yet to visit.-----Then, back out to the Tesuque Flea Market where I bought two pieces of art work - 2 textile strips 14 feet long made from grasses - not here, in Africa, perfect decoration for the Yogatorium.-----Back to Whole Foods for grilled tofu and Hatch, NM chile chicken salad (me), something more calm for Faye but I forget what.------Another calm evening at home knitting, and just sitting together in the courtyard. Beautiful pink clouds visible as the sun set and the moon rose. We came in on a full moon and looks like we'll go out on one!
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