Friday, October 29, 2010

Pod Sisters and Paula's Wedding

Good morning! The weekend has begun! Three Pod Sisters arrived yesterday - Ann, Sara, and JacqueB are in the cottage and I'm enjoying the cabin for a change. I always feel like I'm on vacation when Pod Sisters arrive - especially if I move up to the cabin for the weekend. Haven't done this in a long time, and it's fun - get my writing done, which I would not if I were with them. Besides, they're all still asleep! ------ Tomorrow we're off to Carlisle, SC to see Paula and Jimmy get married. They were best friends when they were children and a year ago found each other again - yep, via the internet. We are all so excited and happy for both of them. I'm eager to meet Jimmy - from his photos he looks a bit like Bob - especially his beard. At any rate, today will be spent in spiritual pursuits - the four of us will do some meditation, check-ins and certainly a yoga session. We're also going to spend some time discussing a poem - yet to be chosen. Altogether, today and tomorrow will be a time of bonding that is rare - we are all so grateful to have found each other through the Claritas Interspiritual Mentor training program a few years ago. If you haven't yet found such a group - let me know and we'll start another one!

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