Thursday, October 14, 2010

Meditation - Object Gazing

Meditation is on my mind this morning. For the past several weeks I've been concentrating on learning to sit on my mat with and without a cushion training my legs to relax and keep the knees lower than the hips. That has taken my attention. Now I'm ready to go back to the mental training. In the past, my most pleasant experiences involved gazing at a candle flame, my childhood photo, or a mandala. So, my practice now is using an object to gaze at while sitting. The interesting thing to me is the need for fine-tuning my meditation practice. Is this a life-long practice? I suspect so. I doubt seriously that I will perfect meditation, whatever that means. Certainly for now, I need much more training of both the body and the mind. And, I haven't even begun to get to the senses, but I will soon. ------- As most of you know, yoga has become my lifestudy for now. I almost wrote "lifestyle" but that would be a misnomer. At best, I am a student. Yes, I teach also, but the teaching itself is a tool for study. How fortunate I am to have discovered, rediscovered, my love of yoga physical practices and now, with excellent teachers, moving forward into the mind and philosophical work. ------ I am truly blessed to be in a position where I can do this. ------ This is a morning for gratitude! I'll insert a photo you might enjoy. If you click on it and enlarge you'll be able to read - the first part of St. Francis' Prayer - my favorite. Sara brought this for the center of the labyrinth - and there it remains!

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