Friday, December 3, 2010

Just stuff

Well, Jim solved the computer mystery! He, too, had trouble and called Verizon customer support to learn that the data transmission all over the southeast was not functioning!!! Of course, later, it was. Their mobile phones were OK, but not the internet connections. ----- Made a lot of progresson the ms yesterday and eager to get back at it this morning. ----Had the curtains open for a few minutes and noticed a strange phenomenon - the mist on the Pond was traveling west to east for a while and the next time I looked it had reversed - going east to west! Then, it seemed to meet in the middle coming in from both directions at once! STRANGE. ------Today for the first time, yoga at 3:00 in the Yogatorium. Hope that new time for Friday, Saturday and Sunday will attract more people. -------One more Thanksgiving photo. Walker has progressed to removing his fish from the hook without help - at least sometimes! Can you guess which SC university is his fave?

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