Thursday, December 9, 2010

Battling the Cold

Here's my Christmas tree with last year's ornaments - handmade by grandchildren! Today I'll add this year's ornaments and photograph it again. By the way, if you click on the photo it will enlarge. Just in case you didn't know that!
Can't believe it was last Monday when I wrote! I've been writing all week and finally wrapped up Draft 4 of All By Myself. So now I'm looking for publishing oportunities (Jim and I both are) - just can't resist making a few inquiries. If any of you have any suggestions, please pass them along. ------There is ice on the Pond at the shallow end over by the island and in the cove and a small amount here near the dam right at the shoreline. Wonder when we'll get the whole Pond frozen over like last year once? I remember photographing the ducks standing on the ice. If this cold continues, like it seems to plan to do, it won't be too long. Predictions are for a high of 29 next Monday or Tuesday - thank goodness I'll be in Hilton Head where it will be 39! Not going to be much walking on the beach, but at least I'll be looking at it from my villa.----Yesterday I sealed all the windows in the cottage with clear plastic sheeting and it clearly made a difference. I had been wondering why the bathroom was so cold and discovered I'd never shut the storm window! So, closing that helped, too. I just can't live with closed curtains, so must use the clear plastic so I can open them and not be too cold - or have the propane gas burning all the time! ---The whole world outside is so clear and bright! What a joy to be able to watch the sun come through the trees and warm up things just by seeing it! One of my dreariest memories was the gray skies in Eugene, Oregon from September to May! Not good for one's attitude, at least it wasn't good for mine! Even frigid Iowa City was more bearable because of the brightness of the sun reflecting off the snow and ice.

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