Saturday, December 11, 2010

Being,doing,having enough

What a great day yesterday! I got all kinds of things done that were really fun. It's rare to have a day when nothing needs to be done - just doing what comes to mind moment by moment. I am truly happy I found time to write my Christmas letter. I've been doing that for about a dozen years and it's always fun to re-read the letters each year. They make a nice memory bank which I expect even grandchildren will enjoy one day.---Also, another very happifying thing - I took a bunch of stuff to the Faith Home - old Christmas decorations, three really nice skirts that are now too big for me and a few other things that others can enjoy as Christmas gifts either to give or receive. I've noticed that my giveaways are becoming more valuable monetarily as time goes by. What a joy! I'm not just giving away junk, but almost like-new expensive possessions. What a blessing to know that I am financially secure and that I will always have "enough." I recently bought for my Kindle a book by Wayne Muller entitled something like "Living a Life of Being, Doing and Having Enough." I am eager to get to reading it! I think I'm beginning to FEEL that I am being, doing and having enough - WHAT A RELIEF! You'll hear more about this in days to come, rest assured. -----Word is it will be raining much of the time while I'm gone - at least there it will be doing so ---great time for reading and writing - my two favorite pastimes. I've finally realized why they are so satisfying for me - Reading and writing lift veils concealing who I really am.

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