Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Celtic Tree on Vision Quest at Springbank

I'm back with you. Left on Thursday and returned Sunday from an Elder Vision Quest at Springbank Retreat Center near Kingstree. I had been there several times before but never on a vision quest. Pam and Marcy did an excellent job of facilitating. The 5-hour solo in the forest was a memorable experience - the photo is of my site at the Celtic Tree - so named because of the three prongs. The Celts placed emphasis on triplicity in many ways - one reason Christianity (one God in three forms) was so readily incorporated. Except for the extreme cold (36 degrees) early in the morning, or maybe because of it, the time was well spent! Next time I go on a vision quest, however, I'll do it when it's warmer. Perhaps the best part was the camaraderie that developed among the women. I knew two others, but the rest were new friends. We spent several sessions in "council" sharing and one session around a bonfire surrendering attachments which was especially rewarding. ----- The mist over the Pond this morning seems to accentuate the bright red leaves of the maple trees - I love this time of year. I've brought in two heaters for the cottage and they are handling the cold very well. The price of propane gas to heat was very high last winter and I expect it to be even higher this year, so I'm converting to electricity as my primary source of heat. ---- Wow! The red maples are so ALIVE! I'll include a photo.

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