Wednesday, August 7, 2013


"One single regret at the moment of dying makes vain all hope of non-return to this world."  the Brahmin, p. 62 of Lanza del Vasto's Return to the Source.  My regrets are getting fewer as I age.  Still they do pop up when I'm not looking.  And, what I've found, is that I am much more ready to undo the damage quickly rather than let it fester into a horrid sore.  It is at that moment of non-thinking from the heart - instead letting the ego rule - that my regrets arise.  I know that.  Or, sometimes it's fear.  Particularly my regrets when I don't do something that involves what I consider a risk and therefore fear  - of failure, hurt, etc.  What a beautiful world it would be if we never allowed regret to occur.  The only remedy I know when regret arises is recognizing the emotion and asking for forgiveness - not only of the one offended, but especially of myself for erring.  After all, that is what sin means to me - error.  And, as one of my translations of St. Francis's prayer says, "where there is error, let me sow truth".  Truth.  That's another topic for another post.  Just for today, I'll avoid regrets.

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