Thursday, December 29, 2011
Cold Coming - Year Ending
Wow! Cold this morning. Just went up to turn on heat at the Yogatorium wearing hat, coat, etc. And, even turned on the oven a few minutes to warm up the living area! A mug of hot tea and I'm ready. I've still got bedroom windows to cover with plastic so I'll get to that today. Looks like the cold is about to become more constant. Still, not in the teens yet - and that's fine with me. It is weather for making soup and staying inside at least early in the morning. Already the sun is peeking through the trees and soon my cottage will be warm as toast as it pours through the windows. ....Hard to believe there are only three days left in this year - and so many things uncompleted that seemed important last January. But, then, many things for me have gone far better than expected - the important ones have all gone well. Thanks be to God!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
BELIEVE - Every day is the prayer.
First we have to believe, and then we believe.....G. C. Lichtenberg
SO, keep on believing that you have the passion, intelligence, brilliance, creativity, wisdom, clarity, depth, and savvy to find that quiet center of solace, serenity, and strength necessary to create and sustain an authentic life. Every day is the prayer. An authentic life is the most personal form of worship. When you start believing, you'll discover that all things are really possible.
These words come from my Daybook by Sarah Ban Breathnach. They speak to me very clearly at this time of year when I am considering making changes in my life - I do this every year about now. I have finally come to understand that no successful change in my life occurs without faith. That's what believing is all about--having faith that I can make positive changes.
SO, keep on believing that you have the passion, intelligence, brilliance, creativity, wisdom, clarity, depth, and savvy to find that quiet center of solace, serenity, and strength necessary to create and sustain an authentic life. Every day is the prayer. An authentic life is the most personal form of worship. When you start believing, you'll discover that all things are really possible.
These words come from my Daybook by Sarah Ban Breathnach. They speak to me very clearly at this time of year when I am considering making changes in my life - I do this every year about now. I have finally come to understand that no successful change in my life occurs without faith. That's what believing is all about--having faith that I can make positive changes.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Last Day at Seaside Villa, Hilton Head 12/2011
Late getting to this today. Busy going back and forth to the beach from about ten this morning till just now. Luckily my villa is only a couple minutes walk to the ocean. It has been an absolutely beautiful sunny day all day long! I even got an hour-long sunbath and you can see where my straps were!!! On December 20. I love getting some Vitamin D and a bit of color in my face in December! And most years I manage to do so at least once. What a kick to live in SC where the weather is so often pleasant.........Tonight we're going to dinner and jazz - I've never been to the Jazz Center restaurant, but Jim and Anne went years ago. The leader of the group is the owner of the restaurant and has been there for many years.....been a long time since I've had the pleasure of dinner and jazz! Probably back in the 50s when Bob and I went to Hermosa Beach to hear the Lighthouse All-Stars. And we didn't eat then - except snacks. I remember the table being just large enough to hold a saucer, an ash tray, and four beer bottles---maybe 12 inches in diameter. And the place was packed full....tomorrow it's back to the Pond. It's been a great week - exactly what I had hoped for. Ready for yoga class at the Yogatorium tomorrow evening.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Farm Visit at Sylvania, GA
Wow! What a fun day yesterday! Jim, Anne, Rich (Anne's father) and I went to Brad and Kate's farm near Sylvania, GA. Brad took me and Jim on a grand tour of the farm via ATV and at one stop I got to hold a new lamb, less than a week old. The nanny had gone a short distance away to eat. .....Lunch was a "meat-tasting" of food from the farm: goat, lamb, pig, and cow! Of course sides of veggies, too. If you're interested, go to for photos and a few facts about the more than a hundred animals living there - special breeds adapted to living in the piney woods.....Today is another writing/beach day and it's time to get to that before mybrain shuts down and I end up just beaching!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Harbor Town at Hilton Head
Here are photos taken from the top of the Harbor Town Lighthouse yesterday. Jim and Anne live in the building on the top floor far right behind the pine tree. The other scene is just to the right of their building - 18th green and Calibogue Sound in view. ....Today we are going to the farm - Kate and Brad's farm - looking forward to my first visit there. Did my Chico's shopping last evening. Writing still going well. Weather is spectacular! Looks like it will last till Wednesday when I return to the Pond. My villa isn't spectacular, but entirely adequate. Have a happy Sunday!
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Gulls at Coligny Beach, Hilton Head
I have some lovely photos from my beach walk yesterday. I spent nearly an hour sitting on a wooden storage cabinet (several stationed along the beach, probably for chairs) watching the gulls. I counted 86 at one time. If you look closely (or enlarge) the photo with 4 in front, you will see a whole host of them at the top of the photo. Enjoy.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Riding horses at Lawton Stables on HHI
I'm taking a break from writing - going extremely well right now but burned out and getting set to go take a walk on the beach. The weather is beautiful. Yesterday I didn't want to leave the beach it was so warm and the ocean roar was so peaceful. But I did. ....... Jim and I went riding at Lawton Stables, here on Hilton Head Island. Karla, the guide, took the photo of us after we returned and before we stepped off onto the stool they use - for everyone, not just old folks. I guess it's a safety device. The horses are really beautiful and the trail through the Forest Preserve is lovely. We saw the biggest alligator I've ever seen here sunning on the grass near one of the ponds.....Off to the beach for my mid-day break!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Christmas Cross Stitch
Here's needlework I did many years ago and enjoy seeing it again each Christmas. I've been working on a second one, a different design, (so I'll have one for each of my sons) ever since and still haven't finished it. Perhaps this is the year to do that - before the cloth turns yellow from age!......Busy writing yesterday. Trying hard to devote at least two full days, or at least several hours on those two days, to writing. ......Getting excited - week at Hilton Head begins Wednesday! So fortunate to have Martha and Susan and Joanne to substitute for me in yoga classes - THANKS, Friends! Looking forward to time with Jim and Anne and Bella and hope to see Kate and Brad. Family has reached a high priority level with me - it's about time! Fun buying gifts on line - get to enjoy them several times - when I order, when they arrive, while wrapping them, and when they are opened.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Santa and his Sax
So, here I am back at the writing again and so late getting to blogging. Today I'll upload my favorite Christmas item - a windup Santa Claus playing a saxophone - reminds us all of Bob - looks much like him with his gray beard and sax. There is a sad note to this time of year since he left this Earth on December 17. Still, seeing this sax playing Santa brings back fabulously delightful memories. We began dating by my tagging along to dance jobs with him in Columbia. ....Nothing like a rainy day for some quiet time to reminisce!
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Christmas Tree 2011
Hey! Here's Christmas tree grandchildren made decorations for last year and the year before. Somehow or another they didn't get to that this year at Thanksgiving time, but the tree still looks just fine to me. Whoops! Forgot to rotate it! Here's an upright one. I'm hung up on book writing still - but at least you get a look at one more of my favorite Christmas decorations. More tomorrow.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Santa Claus is Coming to Town
Here's Santa! By the way, a mirror is on the opposite side. A piece of costume jewelry I bought years ago in Easley at the factory where a young woman was making all kinds of delightful beautiful jewelry from some kind of plastic. It sold in Neiman Marcus, Macy's and so forth for big bucks. At her "Before Christmas" sale one year I bought a bunch of lovely pieces - which now have been passed on to my granddaughters for the most part. But, this one, I still enjoy wearing each year......Big physical day today - yoga morning and evening with a strength circuit this noon - and a nap I just woke from. Love days like this. Everything in my body seems to be happier when I move most. Writing still going well. Just hope I can keep the words flowing for a while. I'd like to think I might actually finish this book some day.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Nativity Set by Mother
Good book writing yesterday - again today, the feeling is good for writing. Strange how my inclination comes and goes. I have learned to take advantage of the times when it seems right to write. But, wanted to check in and show you the nativity set Mother made for me many years ago. She also gave a beautiful set of much larger pieces to the church which is always displayed at this time of year. The longer I live the more I appreciate all the contributions she made to the world. Each Christmas I enjoy that recollection when I live with the nativity set for a month. I'm sure you, too, have Christmas items that originated from an expression of love from someone else. ENJOY! Remember, if you click on the photo, it will enlarge and you'll be able to identify the Baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the three wise men and the shepherds and animals, a couple of cows who lived in the stable and the Angel to the far right. May God bless you all!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Positive Psychology
Here's my front door wreath. I purchased it from a Mennonite bake shop in Greenwood when Anne and I were buying a cake for either Mother or Dad years ago. I love the natural grapevines. .....Whee! It's still only 28 this morning at 7:45. Pleasantly surprised that the Yogatorium's insulation works really well - 54 in there with only one heater on the lowest setting last night following our yoga class. So, by 10:00 it will be plenty warm enough for this morning's class. Another new student - Sherill - came last night. I am very pleased with the number of new students that are attending classes. Had a record attendance at the church on Tuesday evening - 10, where five or six is the usual number...Yesterday was pretty much a stay-at-home writing research day rediscovering truths in Learned Optimism and Minding the Body, Mending the Mind. (Martin Seligman and Joan Borysenko). Margie (Friend from Kinsale, Ireland) mentioned Seligman's book Flourish in an email and, of course, I went to Amazon and ordered it immediately. The whole field of Positive Psychology fascinates me and Seligman is one of the proponents whose writings are a pleasure for me. And Joan's book is filled with useful information I use in my classes and in my own personal life. After a day inside studying, I'll go in for a circuit at the Y and a massage. Perhaps my writing brain will kick in again in full force for the weekend. Lisa, my coach, just sent back some of my recent writings with new ideas for me to try. - like writing a Strategic Plan as an example for the book. Timing couldn't be better...this is usually the time of year I rethink my life's plan and putting it on paper always ups the odds of my actually making it happen.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Ceramic Christmas Tree by Mother
Whee! Cold (60) n my cottage this morning - but warm now. How fortunate I am to live in a warm house with plenty of food, clothes and everything, literally everything I need and in a practical sense, every thing I want! Yesterday I unpacked my ceramic Christmas tree Mother made many years ago and plugged it in. This one is a small white tree with lights in the shape of red birds. Each day now I'll get out another Christmas item and enjoy seeing them again for a few weeks. I like this process rather than getting everything out at once. It will be interesting to see how many days it takes, probably no more than four or five since I've pared down my belongings.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
It's what you are thinking.
Spiritual practice is not what you are doing, it's what you are thinking. This really spoke to me this morning. Comes from Satchidananda's The Golden Present which I read daily. It fits with my present understanding that spiritual practice is all-pervasive - it is how I am thinking and living - or at least some of the time it is! At other times, I seem to have forgotten who I really am as I am distracted by worldly activities and my thinking descends to such as well. What a powerful concept this is - how beautiful it will be when I learn to control what I am thinking!!!! If I could just keep the thought of love uppermost - that is my goal. By the way, I, as usual, am already thinking of the new year and setting goals and developing mantras, etc. Somehow Thanksgiving always inspires me to become more of my Real Self.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Strength training to begin today
What a beautiful several days we've had! Now we'll return to more seasonable weather and being inside more. And that's not bad. I love the fact that our weather is changeable. One of the things I disliked about living in southern California (MANY years ago) was the unchangeable weather - it seemed to always be summer. The beautiful thing about where we live is we enjoy all four seasons of almost equal length. What a blessing. Today I'm meeting with a trainer at the Y to begin some strength training. Done this several times before, but not in many years. Be interesting to see how rapidly my muscles will respond! For sure, I'll feel it but perhaps the regular yoga will soften the effect a bit. Stay tuned.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Leftovers and Renewing Friendships
Thanksgiving is over - Family all left Friday evening after doing a superior job of cleaning up. I spent all day yesterday just goofing off - mostly reading romance novel and napping and eating leftovers. Today the remains go into the freezer before I stuff myself another day. Had a call from Bob's cousin, Evelyn, in Charlottesville last evening. Just reminds me that there are more with whom I will connect over the next month and what a delightful time it is - hearing from those I only hear from at this time of year. I LOVE the notes that come with info about the goings-on in their families. Time for me to compose my annual letter - maybe this afternoon I'll do that. Last year I collected all that I've written over the years - found 13 of them, a few missing, but what a nice notebook it makes - we can check when special events occurred and have already done that several times. So, now it's off to church - again very special times this season.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Thanksgiving at the Pond 2011
What a happy Thanksgiving! Tate caught the biggest fish - one even bigger than this one! We all enjoyed hot dogs and s'mores Wednesday evening (Nathan's beef wieners are delicious!!!) Luke read stories around the fire from Ghosts of the Carolinas. We all ate on the cottage porch - weather was totally cooperative! What a great family time - all ten of us together!!!! Later I'll put more photos on fb. Hope you and yours all had a wonderful gathering together as we did.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Grateful Hearts
Well, the housecleaning is done. What a joy it is to have guests once in a while so that I do dust and mop! Now I can enjoy it for a long time again - till I have guests again, probably. Now the cooking can begin - cranberry relish is first on my list - nobody eats it, but me - but they insist on having it since we always have. Then there's the sweet potato souffle, dressing and gravy, and I found a beautiful big lamb roast - much nicer than last year's. The butcher at Bi-Lo ordered it for me. And, of course, the turkey is thawing. Luke and his family are arriving tonight so I'll have company helping me cook an extra day - what fun! The whole experience is fun. Tate's family will arrive on Wednesday afternoon so we'll then all ten be together again - the only time we manage this is here at Thanksgiving and at Luke's Christmas Day morning. So, this is a precious time for all of us. I'll share with you the short prayer from Simple Abundance for today: O beloved Spirit, truly you have given us so much, an extravagance of riches. Give us, we pray, one thing more. The gift of grateful hearts. Hearts that will not forget what You have done.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Thanksgiving preparations and anticipations
Whee! Big progress on book the last few days. Shutting off that project now to get ready for invasion of family for Thanksgiving. Must clean bathroom, mop floor, etc. All those things I ignore when I don't have guests. Talked with Harriet yesterday - Albany, NY friend - a shame it's been so long! I must do a better job keeping in touch with my loved ones. With Christmas coming somehow it jumps to the top of my wish list - keeping in touch with friends. For the next few weeks, I'll spend much more time doing just that. ...........Got the chex snack mix made - left out wheat chex this time so I can eat some too....getting groceries together now a daily adventure....I don't even attempt to make a complete list, just whatever comes to mind for whatever dish I'm working on at the moment...knowing I'll be going to the store each day before Thanksgiving. That's just the way it works. Ordered a leg of lamb at Bi-Lo - will see if it's there when I go in for yoga class this morning. Already have a turkey thawing. Sooooo eager for the family to be here with me!!!!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Chex mix - highlight of the day
Yesterday was a day of writing and I'm happy with what is coming forth right now. Some days it seems it flows easily and other days the well is dry. I must learn to both write and fill the well each day. I tried last evening - baked chex mix - standard holiday fare in our home - and watched a tear-jerker movie. Distracted by my writing thoughts so came close to burning the mix - didn't set the oven low enough till I smelled toasting too quickly! Should be ready to go again today. We'll see. For now, it's tea time.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Education - the Magnificent Inheritance
This morning I'm thinking about my yen for learning. And, wondering where it came from. What is it that keeps me searching for more answers to questions that arise in my head. This is the thought process I'll concentrate on today. I know myself well enough to know that learning is one of my greatest joys and I have spent all of my life going to school of one sort or another. I presume it comes mostly from my Mother's influence. She was one of seven children, all of whom graduated from college in the 1920's and 30's when the econonmy in the South was far worse than it is now! Her father insisted on that happening. I remember her youngest sister, the last of the children, took cans of milk from their farm to Lander College as part of her tuition payment. Of course, she lived at home. Where does this love for education come from? No doubt from my grandfather's mother or father or both. What a magnificent inheritance!!!!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Quiet as the rain falls
It is so warm! Can't believe how the weather changes back and forth now - I started putting away summer clothes and then the next day had to reach back into the bag for a shirt! In a few days I'll be back into sweaters, of course. Today, the rain is singing to me. This promises to be a delightful day of staying in and listening--no obligations, just joy. This is Wednesday. Several months ago I came upon the notion of allocating Wednesdays for stay-at-home and just be. So, that's what I'm doing. I am so very fortunate to be able to take a whole day off from the world--the world of busy humans--and dedicate my time to joining the world of God--rain, wind, blowing leaves, ripples on the surface of the Pond, gray sky, the carpet of brown leaves under my willow oak tree, patches of green grass, and especially - the quiet. I think people stay home when it's raining. I don't hear any cars or trucks. No one seems to be in this world except me. I am excited! Today fruitful thoughts must arrive! There is nothing to interfere. Time to write and read and save chores for another day.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Checking in
Off to Atlanta this morning. Tomorrow I'll be manning a crafts table with Sydney, my 13-year-old granddaughter who is truly gifted at creating unusual items. This is a first for her - we've been trying to talk her into selling some of her things so maybe this will get her started. Too much to do to get ready to leave - just wanted to say Hello! To let you know I'm thinking of you!
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Life - a splendid torch
Whee! It's raining! How I love watching the drops hit the surface of the Pond and make hundreds of little circles. And, the rain on the tin roof is mesmerizing - somehow the music seems to add to the silence and stillness, rather than detracting. Savasana following our yoga this morning will be delightful - I'll open the windows so we can hear the rain on the metal roof a bit more clearly as we chill out. I wonder where that expression came from - chill out? I do know I'm getting very good at doing it--chilling out. Amazing how healthy it makes me feel. All the things that seemed urgent suddenly don't any more. Nothing seems urgent. Everything seems OK just as it is. I'll share a few words of wisdom from my calendar - Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I've got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible.....G.B.Shaw.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Outside - leaves, snow, etc. - reviewing
Good morning! It's gonna be another glorious fall day! The yellows this year are unbelievably bright! At the road I have a sassafras, a yellow maple, a dogwood, and a persimmon. What a lovely variety of colors all in one spot! I'll bet my Mom had something to do with that. I know she was always partial to sassafras trees. She got really angry with Dad when he cut one down that was in the way of his mowing, Kind of like I got mad when Bob cut down our pear tree in the back yard at Clemson - the only thing that bloomed - other than the magnolia. It was a scrawny little tree, but I loved seeing the blossoms each spring. Oh well, now I have daffodils to look forward to - thanks to Ray! ---- I had my previous blog posts printed and just received the book yesterday. What fun to review last year - just in time for writing my annual Christmas letter. I had forgotten what a really nice snow we had - hope we get another one this year - snow covered surroundings always seem so CLEAN!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Some book research yesterday surprised me. It was fun re-reading The Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan's 1963 book. I particularly enjoyed noticing the passages I had underlined. according to my Google sources, "The first wave of feminism ran from the 1860's to the 1920's. The Second Wave of Feminism began in 1960's and continues into the present. Perhaps the first highly publicized event was the 'bra-burning' that took place when 400 women demonstrated at the 1968 Miss America Pageant in Atlantic City by placing bras and other feminine paraphanalia (sp?) in a large trash container and came up with the idea of burning it. Turned out they couldn't get a permit so bra-burning didn't get publicized (as near as I could find) until 1970 at Berkeley - in a wastebasket. " Somehow all of that mostly passed me by - I was busy taking care of two small boys born in 1964 and 1966. I admit, I did subscribe to Ms., the Gloria Steinem magazine, and read it from cover to cover. But, I somehow convinced myself that I was at least as good as and perhaps better than most men. Whatever good as and better than mean. Equality, somehow, didn't appeal to me. Femininists somehow seemed weak. I need to think about this more. I'm not sure I remember correctly how I really felt fifty years ago! I do know that I am very happy with the more equal opportunities for women now and I'm grateful to those who made it happen - along with me! Did I mention I burned my bra (literally) in 2005?
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Constructing a Happy Life
Yesterday was a quiet one - beginning with a yoga class at 10:00 and filled with much reading, knitting, and pondering. Primarily, thoughts of how fortunate I am to be living here surrounded by nature's beauty with a huge window to bring it inside even when it's too cold to be out in it. How I hope we get snow this year at least once - just enough to cover the ground, and without ice, of course. I have been reading "Walden", a freebie from Amazon's Kindle, and will move onto "Walden Pond" from here. Strange that I've never read Thoreau's writing before - at least not that I recall. If I ever finish writing my "Constructing a Happy Life" (the latest proposed title) book, perhaps I'll write about the joys of living here. I'll be going to Atlanta next weekend for a couple nights at son Tate's home to help Sydney with her crafts table at the community holiday sale on Saturday. Besides the joy of being with family, the return to the Pond is always a reaffirming of my decision to live here. Being in the Atlanta area is a good thing--the contrast is a good thing--I would not be happy CONFINED here! Or, anywhere, for that matter. Too much wanderlust in my heart.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Connecting with Friends
The wind is keeping the wind chimes singing almost constantly yesterday and again this morning. Strange how easily I forget them when they are not singing and how much pleasure they bring when they do sing. Friends are kind of like that. It's easy to forget them when I don't see their faces or hear their voices. For that reason, I keep photographs of my friends beneath a sheet of plexiglas on top of my counter where I see them several times a day. However, I have to make time to stop and look at individual faces to truly connect with them. It's in the pauses that my friends speak to me.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Wow! It's cold in my cottage this morning! But, I'll be going up to the Yogatorium in a few minutes and it will be warm by the time I get back. At noon, I'll be getting a massage - for the first time in a very long time - much too long. ....... Mildred, one of my yoga students, has just opened her business in Greenwood - I am eager to enjoy her work.----Yesterday was a fun one cleaning out my herb garden of the dead pepper and basil plants - the okra has roots much too deep, wide, and firmly implanted! I'll have to get a shovel to dig them out and was too lazy yesterday for that - besides, there are a few more pods on the plant that may grow large enough to eat. Who knows? Not this novice gardener. . . . . It still amazes me how spiritual working with the earth is for me. There's something truly refreshing, renewing about digging into the dirt with my fingers. I think it might be called connecting - one of my strongest needs. In this case, connecting with the Universe.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Living or Dying - take your pick
Good morning! It's almost noon - been writing this morning. Trying desperately to get all the snippets I've written into some kind of order. Fun, but hard work. ......One more food shot - last of the tomatoes in my window sill - picked them green and letting them ripen. Can't believe it's already November and we still haven't had a frost. Close, but not quite 32 yet. This afternoon when it warms up a bit more I'll get the dead and dying veggie plants out and get my pansies out of the pots and into the ground or maybe my BIG pot where the lantana is dying. There's something refreshing and renewing working with plants - makes life seem more like living than dying. Even though, I know we are always in the process of dying, it's nice to counter that with we're also always in the process of living! Or at least we should be. If we're not, it's our own fault!!!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Fruit of Persimmon Tree - a moral
Yep, I missed a couple more days - life is just soooo full right now. Thought you might enjoy a story of persimmons. When I was a forestry student in a dendrology (tree ID) class standing out in the woods one class lab, the instructor asked us to name the tree he was leaning against. We all stared at the bark trying to decide but none of our guesses was correct. By the way, we had learned that foresters always learned to ID trees by the bark since it saved time when cruising timber not to have to look up. Finally, he said, "Look up." We did, and what we saw is what I photographed yesterday near my mailbox. A tree with no leaves, but lots of fruit. There is a moral here. Never judge a tree (or a person) by its skin when the fruit is so visible.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Stuffing Bell Peppers
Can't believe I haven't posted since Oct. 17! I've been trying to keep things simple, but life seems to stay complex! Now I'm due in the Yogatorium for a class - so a quickie - The photo is of the last of my lovely bell peppers before the cold hits. I'll be stuffing peppers this afternoon for the freezer! What fun! Hope your garden produced good stuff for you this year. I've got one red cabbage plant struggling along, but the okra, lettuce, tomatoes, etc. are gone or on their last legs, so to speak.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Coping with Stress
I'm home. And ready to resume life with a new vigor. Time off is truly useful for restoring one's equilibrium. This morning my reading in Simple Abundance included a section on "Coping with Stress" with a long list of ways to do that - here are the first five: Cultivate gratitude. Carve out an hour a day for solitude. Begin and end the day with prayer, meditation, reflection. Keep it simple. Why don't you pick one and begin coping with your stress? I am. If you don't like these, send me an email and I'll give you a few more to choose from. ------ Remember, this coming Sunday, the 23d, is the 4th Sunday at 4:00 silent retreat. Hope to see you here. Namaste.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Last Day in New Bern
Well, so much for a boat trip. Captain Jim just decided to abort. So, we'll go out and unload the stuff and get back to New Bern for the night. Will be back home in my cottage tomorrow evening. One thing we learn from boating is that we are NOT in control! Not only is there a mechanical problem with the steering, the weather is worsening too. Still, we've had a good time together this week - lovely dinner at Persimmon's restaurant last evening..........Ray: Angie, my neighbor, told me some man was out doing something - maybe taking soil samples - and I explained it was no doubt you planting daffodils! What a nice surprise they will be next spring! THANKS!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
New Bern - Still Waiting Ashore
So, another day of waiting. We are definitely leaving in the morning. By then the wind and rain will be much less and we will be able to travel safely. As it turns out, the first leg of the trip is crossing the Pamlico Sound - the only place where the water is wide. And, shallow. Good spot for rough water when wind is high. Now we're getting really eager to go, so repacking and such to take off EARLY in the morning and get to the boat at first light. I'm EXCITED! The photo is of Jim's boat --I took it at Annapolis when I was there in July. Will get more photos when we get underway tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
New Bern, NC
Here I am in New Bern, NC at Jim and Anne's home. We're staying here till the weather passes through today and we can hit the Intracoastal Waterway to head south from Oriental to Pawleys Island - probably a 4-5 day trip. We met at the Reserve Harbor Marina in Pawleys Island yesterday and left my car - Jim drove us here. He's on his way out to the boat to make it ready to leave - when we can. I'm truly blessed to have a chance to be on the water again for several days. There's something so freeing about it - it's a perfect chance to "Just Be." And, as most of you know, that's really my ideal state these years. It's difficult to come up with things to worry about (other than weather) when you're on the water. All you be concerned about is the depth of the water and that the boat keeps running! I'll try to keep the posts coming. It's fun to think I have your company on the trip!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Litchfield Inn Beach
Whee! I'm sitting on a screened porch on the second floor of the Litchfield Inn. The roar of the ocean is strong, waves are high, wind is warm but strong, beach walking is possible. Still, it's protected here and I can still enjoy looking at the ocean all stirred up. Supposed to rain tomorrow, but by then brother Jim and I will be on our way to Oriental to get on the boat tomorrow evening. Martha is rocking away reading while I type. We just enjoyed a trip through Brookgreen Gardens and then a stop at a neat little ice cream/etc. shop on Hwy 17 right where we turn to come out to the Inn. A delightful little place with couches, chairs, books, magazines, and lots of different kinds of coffees - and wi-fi. The sundae was superb! Mud pie ice cream, coconut, walnuts, whipped cream and a cherry on top!!! We walked on the beach last evening and again this morning before breakfast and will make another attempt later hoping the wind might die down a bit. We did get smart enough to walk first into the wind after the first walk when we walked first with the wind and came back REALLY TIRED! Neither of us slept last night - we left the patio door open to hear the wind, were VERY cold but not cold enough to get up and get blankets, and the roar of the waves was loud. Tonight, perhaps we'll do better - at least we found the blankets this morning. Tomorrow Martha heads back to Greenwood and I continue on with Jim. It's hard to describe the freedom of being here at the beach!! What a joy!
Friday, October 7, 2011
What do you really WANT to do right now?
I just asked myself that question and the answer was - write a post for my blog. I was standing in the middle of the room trying to decide which to do first - go to Greenwood to the DMV and get my senior discount for my car property taxes, to the bank to cash checks, get the car washed, stop at Food Lion and get some cans of tuna, OR go to Ninety Six and pick up more Restasis from the drug store while washing clothes at the laundromat--both trips NEED to be made today before I leave town tomorrow for a week. When I asked: What do I really want to do right now? The answer was neither one of those. So, I am writing......I'm finding real joy these days in doing that--stopping and asked What do I want to do NOW? It's called living in the present moment by some. It's also getting away from DOING and allowing BEING. I find myself more often responding to my self-direction: Don't just DO something, sit there. So here I sit, with a smile on my face.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Working from Home
Good morning! New font, just for fun. I read this morning about working at home and it really made me wonder how many of you might be working from home? I'm doing it in two ways - leading yoga classes in the Yogatorium within sight of my cottage, and trying to write a book inside my cottage. As perfect a place as this seems, it's still hard to stay focused. I come up with all kinds of things that "need" to be done. After a year of dragging my feet, I'm finally making some progress. I am paying a writing coach with whom I have a telephone conference at least once each month and send her some pages to critique. I've also begun to designate two full days each week to actually get words on paper. On those days, I try hard to do nothing else except perhaps a bit of physical stuff, like one yoga class or a walk down the road and back. ..... I must say, I'm much happier working this way. I spent more than thirty years working away from home five or more days each week and watching the clock. This is much more fun! Now I look at the clock with surprise at how much time has gone by while I've been writing.....Time to get to the book.
Monday, October 3, 2011
October Morning
Well, this morning I've been greeted with a new design for the blog posts. So, I may or may not be successful. Still, there's always something of a thrill to trying something new--especially if you assume you can make it work! We'll see....... I did get a photo! At least that works. ....Sorry it's been so long since I posted. This past week has been truly full...I'm still promising to stop accepting so many opportunities and, as a matter of fact, I managed to have two almost full days of reading just for pleasure--well not quite full days, I did go to the church or Saturday to do altar guild work and again on Sunday for church, but those are pleasant additions to my day. Oh, yes, I did do a yoga class on Saturday morning also. So much for full days - but they are coming--next week Jim and I will be on Solitude, his sailboat again bringing her back toward Hilton Head from Oriental where she made it from Annapolis a couple weeks ago. We'll bring her back to Pawley's Island on this leg. So, a week's vacation even in October! Thanks for the understanding yoga students who always tell me they are happy for me to get away. I guess they are thinking like my Mother----"do it while you can, one day you won't be able to travel." I suppose that's inevitable, but I'll put it off as long as I can. Enough for today. Time to get ready for yoga at the Y.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Cooler days - get outdoors!
This morning's walk was fruitful--picked a bright yellow muscadine vine leaf and brilliant red honeylocust which actually has a few green leaflets among the red ones - I've hung a stretched canvas over my table and pin my fall walk gems to it. First I press them between paper napkins (don't take the newspaper anymore) with a couple of books weighting them down. Of course, the colors fade, but I find new ones to replace the faded ones and move on. I love the changing collage I'm creating. October is almost here - my very favorite month. Already the mornings are a bit cooler and soon the whole day will be more comfortable. It is the best time of the year for outdoor life. If you don't have a handy place to be outdoors, come to the Pond. Feel free to walk around anywhere you like on the 53 acres - the pasture land or the forested area. It's a great place to just BE for a few hours or even overnight.
Monday, September 26, 2011
4th Sunday at 4:00 Second Silent Retreat
Yesterday afternoon two men and nine women sat in silent meditation in the Yogatorium. The energy in the room was something very special. We followed up with a labyrinth walk, something else that is truly inspiring - especially a group walk. My deepfelt gratitude goes out to each of you for sharing this special time with me. Join us next time, October 23, for the third 4th Sunday at 4:00 silent meditation retreat and bring your friends - there's plenty of room. --- I'm off to the Y for yoga class in a few minutes. What a great way to start a week! I'm sure it's going to turn out to be a really fun one! Hope yours is too. Be sure to find at least a few minutes for silence. You'll be glad you did.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
More rain this morning! Not nearly enough. I just checked and the edge of the water is at the base of the two posts that once supported the diving board!! I don't recall ever before seeing it that low. But for now, I'm just enjoying watching the rings being formed on the surface of the Pond as the raindrop land. Circles are significant in so many ways. My favorite is two lines written by Robert Frost: We dance around in a ring and suppose, while the secret sits in the center and knows. But I also enjoy recalling circles of friends standing in a ring holding hands. Sometimes around something significant, like a bonfire or within the labyrinth center. Riding the horses of a merry-go-round at the county fair. Stonehenge with Win Nelson. Circles of stones in Ireland Margie and I visited. Circles connect us.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Walking in the Rain
For many, many years I have talked about the joy of walking in a summer rain. This morning I did it on purpose for the first time I can remember. As I left the cottage, I turned back to get my Netflix DVD to take with me and put in the mailbox to be picked up. As I did I hesitated, thinking "it may rain" as a few drops hit the roof of the carport. I realized it didn't matter, or rather that it did matter--I'd enjoy it. And, so I did. It never entered my head to get a rain jacket. Past the mailbox, I thought the drops were falling from the trees I was walking under near the bridge but as I started up the hill toward Edgefield Road I could see the soft rain falling in the open areas. I continued until it was clearly getting more serious about raining and I was within 20 yards of my usual turning point. I reversed my direction and within just a minute or two I debated about whether to take off my glasses or just look through the drops accumulating on the lenses. I left them on and began smiling realizing that an item on my bucket list was coming to fruition. What a glorious way to begin my day! Now my sweater and skirt are hanging over a couple of chairs to dry and I'm settled in on the porch. No plans til tonight at 6:00 yoga class. Oh Happy Day!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Staying in Touch
Can't really think of anything worth writing about. Still, want to stay in touch. On my way to Atlanta to stay with Luke and Susan's kids, Jack and Sam, tomorrow while they go to football game - Clemson-Auburn. Last week with Tate and Wendy's. So, I'm getting in two quick visit with all my immediate family. What a joy to have each one of them! We will all be together here at the Pond Thanksgiving. It's a tradition now to gather here. Can't believe I've actually lived here for 5 years already. ------ Yoga classes are going really well -several new students have showed up both out here at the Yogatorium and at the church in town. It's always fun to have newcomers join us. Like I said, no much to write about. Love - Peace - Joy to each of you.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
New Year Begins with School Openings
I'm back on the porch again. This morning's walk was delightfully cool. Only two pickup trucks and one van passed me - on their way to work or back from taking someone to school. I was a little later walking this morning. Nothing scheduled today until yoga at 4:00 at the church. So, I will rest and write. One or two trees are showing yellow or reddish orange leaves, but not many. Sourwood reds are also showing up - at least on the tiny sprouts along the roadside. Some tree leaves are going directly to browns. I love this time of year. Somehow when school opens and the leaves begin to turn, its like the beginning of a new year for me - much more so than January 1. I guess it comes from having been associated with school all my life - until retirement a dozen years ago. So, this morning's reading this stood out for me: Every year I resolve to be a little less the me I know and leave a little room for the me I could be. I'll meditate on this and see what comes up.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Not much worth reading
After a great weekend of getting some words on paper - I'm off to the Y for yoga this morning. What a delightful weather we're having now - nice cool mornings - but still highs in the 90s. Soon, we will be able to keep our sweaters on all day rather than just in the mornings. ---- My new sewing machine and overlock machine arrived and I did get them unpacked to be sure that nothing was missing or broken, but put them away for now. I MUST STAY focused on writing for a few weeks at least! Only in the evenings, will I stray from my purpose. Of course, by then, my brain is on hold so I probably won't be able to decipher the instruction books that came with the machines. My old machine is over forty years old and the shaft is bent so the needle hits the plate sometimes rather than going down and catching the thread as it should. Besides that, it weighs a ton! These new machines are so light I can pick them up with one hand - what a joy! But, that's about all I know about them so far. Oh, I bought them, actually Luke ordered them for me on a web site ( that runs 24-hour specials and I saved about $200 apparently. Got both Singer machines for $350. Had been promising myself a new one for about 15 years and just never got around to it. Thanks, Luke, for prodding me!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
My walk this morning was delightfully cool, sweater weather. My reading was especially thought-provoking. Strange how some readings seem to hit home. It is a writing from Longfellow I found in Sara Ban Breathnach's Simple Abundance Daybook. She calls it A Psalm for Life.
Let us, then, be up and doing
With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labor and wait.
The last line is the challenge for me. The "wait" is the hardest part. Waiting has never been a strong suit of mine. Patricia Hopkins, one of my earlier spiritual directors, challenged me with Lao Tzu's lines from the Tao De Ching:
Do you have the patience to wait
Till your mud settles
And the water is clear?
Can you remain unmoving
Till the right action arises?
Let us, then, be up and doing
With a heart for any fate;
Still achieving, still pursuing,
Learn to labor and wait.
The last line is the challenge for me. The "wait" is the hardest part. Waiting has never been a strong suit of mine. Patricia Hopkins, one of my earlier spiritual directors, challenged me with Lao Tzu's lines from the Tao De Ching:
Do you have the patience to wait
Till your mud settles
And the water is clear?
Can you remain unmoving
Till the right action arises?
Friday, September 9, 2011
The Swan House--a young girl story
Good morning! I'm back on the porch at Tate's home enjoying the morning sunshine and surrounding trees that block the view of the nearby houses. The family is getting school lunches packed, eating quick breakfasts, and leaving for school. After this year, there will be only two - Sydney and Walker- since Kelsey will be in college. So, the time is drawing near when it will be unusual rather than usual for all five of them to be together. Fortunately, the family is a very close-knit one. What a blessing for them and me! Sydney (14) introduced me to a book The Swan House set in Atlanta that I am thoroughly enjoying. Story of a young girl breaking down barriers between the very rich and the inner city black community in Grant Park. But it is much more than that--an intriguing look into life of a young girl. What a kick to be able to order it for my kindle and be reading it five minutes later!--- looking forward to getting back home today but will make a quick stop in Commerce for a break in the trip. ---- Will be back in the Yogatorium at 10:00 tomorrow for class.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Quiet time in Atlanta
All is well in Atlanta. Been successful at getting some new writing approaches that are paying off. Weather has been beautifully cool. I've thoroughly enjoyed spending many hours on the porch writing - until this morning when the yard maintenance men showed up, cranked up their mowers and weed trimmers and drove me inside for a bit. It's astounding how comfortable I have become with silence - so much so that I find myself creating it whenever possible. The kids have been great about watching TV somewhere away from where I'm reading or writing - even without my asking! Of course, the only room without a TV is the porch. That's not quite true, the kitchen, dining room, and bathrooms don't have one either. What is most unusual in my experience, is the two outside the house - one on the ground floor outdoor living room and one on the screened porch upstairs. They are all big sports fans and that's a lot of what gets watched. Anyway, it has been a great quiet time for me with all the children in school most of the day and then a delightful time with them in the evening. How blessed I am to be able to share in some of their time. Hope to get much more of it in the coming months. Unfortunately, Tate and Wendy didn't get to watch the US Open in person. It has been rain delayed and they are coming home tonight.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Success Scares Me
I'm all set up in son Tate's home now with all my gluten-free food and fresh fruit from the beautiful Publix here, my dirty clothes being washed in their huge washing machine with so many buttons and lights I waited for Sydney to help me start it, and my laptop in operation. What a joy to have their wireless connection! Stuff really flies onto the screen - so much faster than my Verizon Broadband access connection. But then, as my Kindle reminds me each time I order a new book, I live on the "Edge" and sometimes have to wait quite a few minutes to connect. Of course, I enjoy living on the edge - in more ways than just having my cottage on the edge of web availability. --- Had a pep talk with my writing coach yesterday and seem to be loosening up some more thoughts to put on the screen. The flow had come to a halt over the last few weeks. I have two whole days of solitude here while the kids are in school, so I'll test the waters tomorrow morning. I think what stopped me was a feeling that I might actually be getting somewhere with the book - success always scares me more than failure - I think because success always results in change. As much as I like and seek change, when it's out of my control, it's scary. And, potential success is a lot more scary than actual success. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Rain at the Pond
We got a bit of rain last night and more predicted for today and tomorrow. Thought you might enjoy seeing what the dry Pond looks like this morning. We've been without rain so long grass is growing where water used to be. In the past, the water level has been much higher - up to maybe 5 inches below the dock over on the left behind the double-wide (which is rented). I'm estimating probably 2 feet below last year's full and 3 feet several years ago. Even with the little rain last night, there is a slight green tinge to the yard. Unfortunately, we are relying on hurricane effects now - we're not actually in the path - just the fringe effect. --- Tomorrow I'm off to Atlanta to child tend while Tate and Wendy go to NYC. Looking forward to this time with the children - they are aging so fast--I treasure these times with them. Back home Friday.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
A quickie to let you know I haven't forgotten all you regular readers! Just get distracted some days by other exciting fun things to do! Like watching the grass in the yard die from lack of water. When will it rain again?---Actually, I'm still struggling with stopping my reading streak. My Kindle has hold of me now - I've found daily 99 centers to order from Amazon and get completely wrapped up in reading them--mysteries so far--and don't do anything I don't absolutely have to do! Thank God I love to read! Life would be very dull without my reading escapades.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
First 4th Sunday at 4 o'clock
Our first 4th Sunday at 4 o'clock meditation session was glorious! Six of us shared the silence. The photo is the altar covered with a creation of Bob's grandmother more than fifty years ago.----- Synchronicity is at work! Just a few minutes ago I received a Yoga Journal article "Surrendering to Silence." Here is a short paragraph:
..........It's a quietness of heart rather than an imposed cessation of speech or activity. It is the recognition of a depth in each of us that has never spoken, a quiet that simply allows anything to arise and pass through the mental landscape. Rather than straining to try to silence our minds (a practically hopeless task). we can simply relax into the quiet that contains the mind; then we become more accustomed to noticing the quiet rather than fixating on the noise of mostly useless thoughts. The habit of relaxing into the still center of pure presence, no matter what the mind may be doing, becomes an effortless living meditation, rather than an effort to meditate and still the mind.
Mark your calendar now for the second 4th Sunday at 4 o'clock - September 25. This time we'll end with a labyrinth walk and you are welcome to stay in silence here in the Yogatorium or the labyrinth as long as you like. You are also welcome to borrow any of the books.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
What a lovely walk this morning - cool - fall will come. Already a few of the maple and yellow poplar leaves are showing up yellow and I even found a red hawthorne leaf. I've begun a board collecting the fall indicators I find on my morning walks. The walks have become a habit now - one of my activities that always brings a smile to my face. What brings a smile to your face? About 15 years ago I went through a long self-inquiry answering that question over several months of journaling and came up with six things: learning, travel, reading romance novels, clothes, center stage, and physical activity. Can you come up with six activities that make you smile? Perhaps I should now add "writing my blog posts." :)
Friday, August 26, 2011
New store in 96 with old stuff.
What a Friday! Busy, Busy, Busy. But then, it was time. All day yesterday I spent doing nothing but reading for fun - a mystery set in Santa Fe which I bought in Ninety Six for $2 - a hardback book! This store is a real find - books, movies, etc - for $1 or $2!!! Last week I bought a white straw cowgirl hat from her for $5! What fun! ----Today I washed windows of the Yogatorium - with an expandable handle mop so I can reach them from the ground - and the outdoor Windex stuff on my hose - actually two hoses hooked together. I made a mistake and didn't have an outdoor faucet put in the Yogatorium when I built it. Oh well, otherwise it's perfect! ----- Then just now I poached some wild-caught salmon that looks perfect! I do love salmon and the poaching method is so easy even I can succeed at it.----Randy cut the weeds (no grass growing) and trimmed up the labyrinth so everything looks really neat again. Tomorrow will be a busy one with yoga session in the morning and in the evening to 96 for Cateechee Fest where I'll display my materials advertising the Yogatorium and Silent Retreat for Sunday. So, the rest of this day - reading for pleasure and watching TV weather for Irene info out of the corner of my eye. I'm learning to pace myself with acivity and stillness interchanged.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Finding Joy in Nature, etc.
Beautiful walk again this morning - cooler now and that makes for a more pleasant walk - even a bit later. Even now, at nearly ten o'clock, there is a nice breeze on the porch causing the wind chimes to sing and cooling the air. What a delight to notice the changing seasons. This morning I picked up three red/orange natural things - a trumpet vine flower, a sassafras leaf (three-pronged one), and another leaf I can't identify-have to get out my book. I've found a canvas framed to pin them to so I can enjoy them longer. Also have three feathers to add that I picked up at the swing in the Asheville Botanical Gardens this past weekend. -----It was delightful yesterday to get back with my yoga students at the Y and last evening here, too. They all add joy to my life. Today I'll see the church classes students. How blessed I am to be able to live a life doing just what I love---well, not just what I love. I, too, have occasions when unpleasant chores arise, but mostly I am doing from moment to moment just what I love. The trick, I've learned, is to at least think "this is really OK" especially if it's a chore that makes my life in general more pleasant--like cleaning out the bird bath fountain--or filling the bird feeders--or even washing windows and mopping the floor.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Acting on an Intention - with Help
Hi! I'm back home again. If you're turned off by God talk, just skip this one.
The Elder Quest weekend was very fruitful - fun and frolicking (See Sara swinging.) and much inspiration to be a happier, better person. Each of us set an intention and now the hard part comes - living that intention. In my morning reading in ACIM I ran across a helpful thought when one takes on a challenge: "Through your holiness the power of God is made manifest----------There is nothing my holiness cannot do because the power of God lies in it." See Lesson 38 if you're turned on by this. ---- And now, I'm back to getting my head screwed on to write more specifically, purposefully, with some notion of the skeleton of my book to come. I've been just writing whatever pops into my head and now it's time for a more directed effort. I just hope this phase is as much fun as the first one was!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Rearranging Life Stuff
Here it is already Thursday afternoon! I've managed to begin rescheduling my everyday practices and somehow the blog got lost in the shuffle. Not totally forgotten, just temporarily set aside in preference to book writing.------Life is truly good. I'm walking each morning and leading the yoga classes and learning to eat better, and it is all paying off big time. How fortunate I am to be able to enjoy my life in so many ways! ------Tomorrow I'm going to Asheville to a weekend Elder Quest, the third with this same small group of women who are all on a spiritual journey. (Isn't everybody?) Anyway, we share thoughts, questions, inspiration, encouragement, and more. What a joy to have such companions! ----For the next few days, I'll be away from my laptop, but will get back to it Sunday evening or Monday morning at the latest. Have a blessed few days till I return! ----------By the way, the Saturday morning yoga class will meet as usual Saturday at 10:00 in the Yogatorium. Martha Busterna has graciously agreed to lead it in my absence.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Pauses Produce Peace
It's early Sunday morning. The last two days have been full of contemplation time bolstered by reading. One of the true joys of my life in this Adulthood II (as Mary Catherine Bateson calls it in her Composing a Further Life) is the permission to spend time within myself drawing on the accumulated resources of a long life. So, these two days have been fruitful, rewarding me with the joy of introspection. The recognition of a life lived well enough to base an even more rewarding next phase upon. I like to look at these years as the WisdomYears knowing that my wisdom is just now beginning to rise to the surface. It is the quiet time that allows this to happen. As I've written before, it is in the gaps, the pauses, that I find God. This morning, sitting on the porch in the morning cool, still air overcast by a gray sky, I am at peace.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Deer in Beaver-dam pool
You've got to see this photo! Click on it to enlarge - there's a deer in the middle of the little beaver-dam pool! She visited me yesterday on my walk down the road - first time I've ever taken my camera with me - something told me I would need it!! Just as I leaned over the bridge guard rail and focused on the pool, she jumped in and then immediately out and off into the woods. What a great gift!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Meditation Event at the Yogatorium
For those of you who may miss it on fb, I have scheduled a new event. Beginning August 28, we will hold a one-hour meditation retreat in the air-conditioned Yogatorium. We will begin with two 20-minute Centering Prayer sessions separated by a 10-minute walking meditation. My plan is to hold these silent retreats each 4th Sunday at 4:00 pm. This is your opportunity to share time in contemplation with others on a spiritual journey--an enriching, inspiring time. Your pathway may be Christian or any way you choose. In case you don't already know, the Yogatorium is 2 miles south of the Ninety Six Historic Site just past Kinard's Church. Four miles from Ninety Six on Hwy 248, turn left to 1909 Tillman Territory Road. Turn left at the first driveway and at the second building, park anywhere in the yard and enter the red door. Call 223-7945 (land) or 864-506-4063 (cell) for more info. There is no fee. ------When the weather cools, we will walk the labyrinth, but for now, we'll stay inside for the hour. Chairs, cushions, blankets, mats, and two kneeling benches are available for your use. -----I'm excited about this event. It is always inspiring to share sacred time with others. Please invite your friends!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Why I am here.
Monday morning - a new week - church yesterday after missing many weeks in a row while on vacation - nice to be back home. On my walk this morning it hit me why I am living here. It's the opportunity to be in nature - with God - as easily as stepping outside my door - either one - on the back porch over the Pond to the fish, turtles, wasps, heron, ducks, geese and/or egret - or the front door into open space with spiders, birds, squirrels, dandelions, bright blue sky and trees---many trees. And now, everything is mostly brown - even the trees have branches of brown leaves. We need rain. ----- This morning Randy is coming to redo the bed between the walk and the cottage. The daisies are still struggling, but other than the sago palm, everything else is dead. Even the weeds which I treated with Roundup. I am giving up on annual flowers and, with Randy's labor, will reclaim the bed with some new garden soil, covered with weed control paper, and topped with mulch from the dead oak that was removed last year. When I can decicde what, I will plant two or three shrubs of some kind--maybe azaleas? -----My goodness! There are FOUR cats on my walk! Granted, two are youngsters, but well on their way to adulthood. I don't feed them, the neighbor does. But, I don't have mice and I'm sure they don't either.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Romance Novels
My writing coach, Lisa, recently suggested I read some romance novels and write reviews. So, I headed for the library and Harlequin and Silhouette paperbacks. Oddly, the first paperback that jumped out at me was neither of those publishers, but a Louis L'Amour entitled Passin' Through. His books have always been a favorite of my first-born son, Tate, and I have enjoyed them in the past, too. As it turns out, for me, this book stirred romantic notions in me (not sexy) because of his painting such a detailed picture of the surroundings - mountains, plants, sky, people, buildings, situations. Such wonderful memories were stirred. For example, one of the loveliest sights I have ever seen were the quaking aspens in the fall on top of Glorietta Baldy - approx. 12,000 feet or so in New Mexico. I climbed a fire tower a ways in order to get a photo of the sea of gold--but the scene has never left my memory. This book reading has given me a new perspective on my pleasure in reading. I have often said that I read romance novels for relaxation and restoration when I have been under much stress. And, until now, I thought it was the love scenes, which often included sexual acts. Not so, what really cleans my slate is the removal to another place and time and the mental and emotional reactions that transfer to me. It's the process of getting inside the players minds. Louis L'Amour writes so that occurs readily. At least for me. I am glad Lisa suggested I do some analysis of my reading pleasure. I'll do some more.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Lotus Flower
Had a hound dog following me on my walk this morning. Don't know who he belongs to, but his persistence was surprising. Can't imagine why a dog simply wants to follow along. But he did. I was worried about a car hitting him, but he stayed right behind me all the way out and back. Makes me think maybe it's time for me to get a dog of my own again. Such loyalty is a wonderful gift.---but not now----I'm still in the traveling mode.------My reading this morning gave me this: "Be like the lotus flower in the water; .....untainted by the world around you." I recall seeing the lotus blossoms out at Park Seed Co. around the time of the Festival of Flowers and being inspired by their beauty and simplicity floating on top of the water with the mud beneath "untainting" the blossoms. I've also seen them in the lake at Kanuga, near Hendersonville, NC. And probably other places, too. Reminds me of the admonishment to be: in the world, but not of the world (somewhere in the Bible) often quoted in spiritual works. Something I think about quite often.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Hummingbirds, Ticks, and HOT weather
The hummingbirds are here - eight of them this morning! What a joy they are to watch from my seat at the table. They sometimes seem to be fighting over the four openings chasing each other away and at other times, it seems they are just enjoying flitting around sharing the feeding spots. Most often, they land on one of the little roosting bars and feed quietly. Occasionally they eat without landing on the bars. In that case, they must be using up all the energy they are eating while they eat with their wings fluttering. When I returned from vacation, the feeder was empty but I refilled it and within ten minutes, a bird showed up! After two weeks of no feed! Was it just an accident or is there some sensor they have to know when to come back???------I found a tick on the back side of my thigh yesterday. It was so tiny I didn't realize it was a tick until a couple days went by. Anyhow, he turned loose and is now gone. Yes, I marked it on my calendar. But I've forgotten how long I have to wait before the all clear signal sounds - 21 days? ----- Such is life at the Pond. I LOVE IT! Even if it is HOT! Over 100 yesterday. So, I've cranked the ac up to 80. 20 degrees difference is still a lot of cooling.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
How we live our days
Goodness! I've already missed two days and here I am late this morning. Oh well, at least I'm back at it. These last two days have been truly fun getting back into the swing of things - two yoga classes both Monday and Tuesday and new students at three of the four! Now, today is my day off (except for an evening class here). I use Wednesdays to rest, relax, and restore--specifically, I avoid "must-do's". The only must-do is to end the day happy and relaxed and know that all is right with my world. ------This morning's reading is on my mind--a quote from Annie Dillard - how we live our days is how we live our lives - from Sarah Ban Breathnach's Simple Abundance Day Book. Think about that.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
End of Vacation - Really!
My Pod Sisters and I had a beautiful weekend together. Since they left around noon I have been reflecting on the wonderful experience of sharing with these lovely women - which we do four times a year and all of us have become grateful for the sharing. It seems each time we gather, I grow a bit wiser and happier. Thanks be to God! ----- So now, I'm all fired up and ready to begin yoga classes tomorrow with a new enthusiasm. ---- My ongoing work on a new lifestyle to accommodate IBS recovery is WORKING! I am not through yet, but making great progress. I've begun desensitization for 18 foods to which I am sensitive and have been assured that even three months will make a huge difference. It seems only one week of taking the drops has made a difference. My energy level and my enthusiasm are both high!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Vacation is almost over
Two weeks have flown by since I last wrote. I had decided I would need some time at home to savor my travels and do a bit more grandmothering before resuming a regular yoga class schedule - I was right. It has been a good thing having some time to just BE, reflect, write some more book sections, walk, watch the deer, dig a few weeds, eat Clemson spineless okra and bell peppers and the last of the lettuce from my garden. Such times allow thoughts that bring a calmness, a restoration, and an eagerness for moving forward to develop. I have been devouring a wisdom book that has been a big assist: Composing a Further Life by Mary Catherine Bateson, daughter of Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson. For those of us in our seventies, or even younger, there are helpful messages in her stories of five women who have and are living full lives. My favorite saying comes to mind: You can have it all, you just can't have it all at the same time. (I don't know where that came from - I like to think I made it up - but I'm learning that nothing is really new in this world! Everything has been said, thought, and mostly done before.) Photos now. Solitude - Jim's 28 foot Catalina, My okra plant, and race day on the bay - from our dock.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
St. Michaels Marina at Chesapeake Bay
St.Michaels in a slip at the marina - about 30 miles from Annapolis after sailing over (much of the way - when there was wind) yesterday afternoon. James (Jim's son, my nephew) and his friend Gail are with us. What a ball! Talk about relaxation - there's nothing like being on a boat to obtain serenity. Note the sunset on Chesapeake Bay - I swam in the pool and James and Gail swam in the bay. Today? Who knows?
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Sunday at the Pond
Jaquie at the wheel in 2008
Got home yesterday to a lovely long hard rain which I enjoyed sitting in my rocker. There is definitely something about water that draws my attention. And, tomorrow I'll be looking at the Chesapeake Bay! From Jim's sailboat!!! Sometimes I can't believe the wondrous things that still await me!!!!
Friday, July 8, 2011
Horseback Riding at Lawton Stables in Sea Pines
Friday morning walk on South Beach was delightful! It's overcast with some dark cloud looming over the Atlantic, but no rain yet. Several dog walkers, human walkers and cyclers, just enough to provide a bit of company but not enough for distraction. I'm so tickled with these morning beach walks - this morning the distance seemed to shrink - maybe I'm making some progress worth continuing? Haven't done routine walking like this in a while. Yesterday afternoon we all went riding - see the photos of Tate's family. Walker (leading), Kelsey, Sydney, Wendy and Tate. We're all lined up at the gate ready to take off. The ride was lovely - all through the forested areas - saw places I've never before visited on the island. One last day today to try to do all that hasn't yet been done.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
HH Morning Beach Walks
I'm still here at HH until Saturday morning. Tate's family arrived yesterday and we have different things happening with each person - some are at the pool, some watching TV, others on the way to play tennis. I had my beautiful South Beach walk early this morning long before others were awake. Early moning is my favorite time on the beach. This morning the tide was out further than I ever recall seeing it before so plenty of space. Several men were fishing and I even saw fish jumping where the ocean meets the beach. Unfortunately, no dolphins. I don't know where they were this morning. Perhaps they were out in deeper water waiting for the tide to come in. Got a sack of sand to fill another yoga sandbag. Then over to the general store at the marina for an Island Packet newspaper. The boats were all sitting in the gray mud. From there, back to the villa for breakfast. This early morning beach walk has become routine for me and it's amazingly restorative. At times like these, I find myself dreaming of visiting beaches somewhere else in the world - maybe Greece? Jamaica is more likely, but who knows? Being somewhere other than at home is truly restorative for me - a wonderful recharging of my batteries occurs. I hope each of you finds some of this happening to you this summer - a recharging of you batteries.
Monday, July 4, 2011
A Day of Just Being at Hlton Head
Today I finally got to the beach about 8:30 this morning for two hours of sunning here in Shipyard. By the time I left, there were no parking spaces left, except the one I vacated which was filled immediately. Have had a lovely quiet time reading and napping and just being. Tried to rent a bike, but the company is out of bikes now. So, I'll go over to South Beach in Sea Pines and walk the beach late this afternoon. I love that place best since dolphins are in evidence in Calibogue Sound and fun to watch. The swimming is not so good - no lifeguards and quick dropoffs near the water's edge, but the walking is lovely since the crowds are not there. ----Kate brought me a book that I'm devouring - Clean is the title - all about cleaning out the body. I've begun trying some of the smoothie recipes and will tonight do a cold soup of avocado and pineapple. Hope to test quite a few more before I actually begin the cleansing process. This is the most informative book I've seen on this process. I highly recommend it to all my health nut friends. It's subtitle is The revolutionary program to restore the body's natural alibility to heal itslf. Healing myself is where I am right now, as many of you know. So far, it's going very well! Dr. Biddle has steered me in some very helpful directions.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Hilton Head in Review - mostly food talk
Here it is Saturday already and the last full day with Luke and Susan's family. Jim's daughter Kate came over last night and spent some time with us today before heading over to the farm. She and I had a good walk and talk on the beach at South Beach and then joined the rest for lunch at Salty Dog. Here's a photo of the three women - me, Susan, and Kate. One of our fun activities this week has been puzzles. Here's Susan and Luke finishing up the second one last night. And Luke cooking Low Country Boil (Frogmore Stew) for supper last night - SUPER FOOD! And finally, Luke's family at Roasted Fish and Cornbread where we ate supper Thursday evening. Time for my bike ride now before I go pick up the folks and bring them home from the beach. (Parking is very limited there.)
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