Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hummingbirds, Ticks, and HOT weather

The hummingbirds are here - eight of them this morning! What a joy they are to watch from my seat at the table. They sometimes seem to be fighting over the four openings chasing each other away and at other times, it seems they are just enjoying flitting around sharing the feeding spots. Most often, they land on one of the little roosting bars and feed quietly. Occasionally they eat without landing on the bars. In that case, they must be using up all the energy they are eating while they eat with their wings fluttering. When I returned from vacation, the feeder was empty but I refilled it and within ten minutes, a bird showed up! After two weeks of no feed! Was it just an accident or is there some sensor they have to know when to come back???------I found a tick on the back side of my thigh yesterday. It was so tiny I didn't realize it was a tick until a couple days went by. Anyhow, he turned loose and is now gone. Yes, I marked it on my calendar. But I've forgotten how long I have to wait before the all clear signal sounds - 21 days? ----- Such is life at the Pond. I LOVE IT! Even if it is HOT! Over 100 yesterday. So, I've cranked the ac up to 80. 20 degrees difference is still a lot of cooling.

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