Friday, March 12, 2010

The Artist's Way - in Suwanee, Georgia

Water at Inchydoney, Ireland
The trip down this morning was totally uneventful. I spent a delightful three hours listening to a tape of Julia Cameron speaking on her book The Artist's Way. I have heard the tape many times over the last years - but this morning it seemed particularly relevant. Seems to me I said the same thing the last time I heard it? She refers to us as recovering creators or creatives, can't remember which. Since we were all born creators, and lost it as we adapted to our ordinary world, we can now consider ourselves in recovery - those of us who wish to do so. Julia says we all have a creative spark within us whatever we call it - the Divine, God, Source, Universal Energy, which is spiritual. She gives us two tools with which to begin our creative recovery. First is Morning Pages. The second is Artist's Dates. Briefly, morning pages are journaling three handwritten pages first thing each morning. I know from my own morning pages they work. Answers come. Ideas sprout. Things begin to happen. Spirit speaks. The Artist's Dates are weekly two-hour dates with yourself (no company allowed) spent in some inspiring place that is FUN - for me, cloth stores and pattern books, cookbooks, anywhere in Nature, but especially near water. Even taking a shower usually refreshes my creative thought processes. Of course, I don't take two-hour showers! But, sometimes a shower combined with other activities that are strictly for pleasure and release of creative thought processes works. Baking bread, knitting, sewing, gardening, etc. Perhaps it can be said, we are connecting with Spirit. This is true of both the morning pages and the artist's dates.

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