Saturday, March 27, 2010

A Day at Home

(Another photo by Jim - soon I'll get another album on FB.)
Yesterday was spent in town serving lunch at the church and running errands. Unless I'm mistaken, the 4-Runner won't leave the yard today. A nice thought. A day at home to just be. And, of course, to do whatever gives me pleasure. Perhaps I'll take the laundry into Ninety Six to the laundromat, but if I do, I'll take along my knitting which I'm enjoying immensely right now. FINALLY I have mastered the sequence of stitches for the shrug I'm working on - the first ten inches are a mass of knots, twists, and turns that almost look like they were done on purpose! So, now that I'm getting straight furrows, I'll enjoy seeing the difference! Who knows, maybe the straight stuff won't be nearly so interesting as the crazy pattern of the beginning? I'm, finding most things in my life these times involve some unplanned steps, sidesteps, and occasionally a bit of a step forward. Toward what? Sometimes the goal isn't clear - I just keep making steps and assume all will be well at the end. Just like this post. I have no idea why I'm writing what I am this morning. I just let the words flow sometimes and I'm as surprised as you are by what comes out. Martha is probably coming out this morning for a yoga session. So, only a small bit of yogurt beforehand. Then I'll get to my sewing - a beautiful piece of white embroidered fabric I cut out last evening - a tunic top. Once it warms up, I'll begin the weeding process - a bit late, but now the weeds are big enough to get a good hold on them and with the help of that wondrous tool (a hand tool "weeder" that loosens the roots) I'll probably be more successful than I would have been earlier. As evening approaches, I'll renew my ritual sitting in the swing chair on the porch with my glass of wine listening to the uproar from the tree frogs! Warm weather is here! Hallelujah!

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