I probably won't have time to find a photo this morning(I did), but Iwill make time to write. Strange, it seems my greatest need these days is to write. So, I'm glad there are at least one or two of you out there who remark about my writing. That keeps me at the keyboard. I say "my greatest need" and wonder if that is really true and if so, why? You know how a child continually asks "Why?" That seems to be my state. I guess as we age we do enter a second childhood. Or, maybe I never left it! What I know for sure is that I feel happier when I write - while I'm doing it, immediately after, and even anticipating the next write. I guess most people would call it journaling, and it is that in a way. I am an example of one who "spills my guts" when I write. What you read is who I am. At least that's why I write - to learn who I am.
The Great Blue Heron is back! Haven't seem him for many weeks. Wonder where he has been? There are several ponds in the area, so I suppose he enjoys them all from time to time. Don't we all enjoy a change of scenery? Speaking of change of scenery, the sky is very gray this morning and the Pond surface is mixed with some spots going in one direction and others going their own way in a different direction but in general, the surface is moving toward my side, sort of southwesterly. I see on Weather.com that we are in for rain and snow perhaps through tonight and a high of 39 today. But then either tomorrow or the next day in the 50s. Perhaps this is our last blast of cold. Two days ago I saw my first daffodils of the year! Just a little patch about two feet in diameter out in the woods along the road to town where someone, probably years ago, tossed them out. There's another spot where they are growing in a ditch along the road, but haven't seen them yet. And, my three haven't yet poked their blades up. The wind is up so the chimes are really singing their hearts out this morning and my swing chair is moving also. This reminds me of a photo I'll search for now. Note: Quincy left this world in July 09 but is still very much in our hearts - all of us who ever saw him - especially if they saw him "zoning". What a fun animal he was!!!
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