Monday, March 22, 2010

Peace - Sharing Space

For a change, I've moved from the window looking over the Pond to the room where my laptop usually resides. It's overcast and with no sun I can see the computer screen here. I've opened the blinds and can now watch the birds flitting from the oak tree limbs to the feeders and back again. I can see the Star Magnolia's beautiful white blossoms and the cabin up on the hill. Grass is beginning to green up.

I have recently added two new words to the walls of the Yogatorium - Shalom and Shanti - both meaning peace (Hebrew and Pali [santi]). These words have been in my vocabulary for some time, but they seem particularly appropriate now. First, I feel peaceful. But more than that, I am learning to enjoy the peace that comes from solitude for longer periods of time. And then, the moment comes, when I long for the company of other humans. I am so grateful for my friends and family. The next few days will be filled with sharing my space with Jim. He arrives this evening and once again we'll have the fun of being together. I find myself already smiling in anticipation.

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