Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Back Home in My Cottage

What a great four days with sons and families! I am so fortunate that I am welcome in their homes and they are only 3 hours away from me - and only 10 minutes from each other - and on the north side of Atlanta! While there, granchildren taught me a bit more about FB and I'm eager to see if I can still do what they taught me! But, first things first this morning. Following my meditation and reading I was confronted with a knowing that is unusual - that I should volunteer to sew the wedding dress for friend Paula. So, I have sent her an email to that effect. It's scary because I've never done that kind of sewing before and it's been years since I've done anything that complex - still, I volunteered. What is it that makes us do such things? And, leaves us with fear and trembling that she might say Yes AND that she might say No. I'm not sure which is worse or better!
Today is St. Patrick's Day! And, I'm intending to spend some time connecting with my Ireland friends via FB. How I wish I could be there today.
The weather is finally warm enough to be outdoors - so, today I'll begin my walks along the road. Every spring, when the daffodils spring forth, I always begin a new health kick - walking, eating more salads and fruits and veggies, pulling weeds, painting furniture, washing windows, etc. Already a couple of weeks ago I washed my drapes and soon I'll peel off the plastic inside each window and get rid of all the "ladybugs" that have been hiding there. (Lori told me they aren't technically ladybugs, but I don't know what else to call them.) The Star Magnolia is in full bloom - what a wonderful gift it is - the first thing to bloom on my place. A gift from my Pod Sisters as a memorial to Bob - planted the day of Bob's Party in April of 2007 celebrating his life. (Yogatorium is in the background.)

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