Saturday, February 15, 2014


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The sky has been so beautiful the last few nights and then - this morning I saw the moon in the west in all its pale orange splendor behind the loblolly pines I planted many years ago when I was planting pine seedlings in research plots and had a few left over.  At the time, Dad said "I don't know why you're planting those for me - I'll be dead and gone long before they make trees."  Well, he did live long enough to see them become trees and certainly now for me, my children, and my children's children's children(when they are born) to enjoy them. …..But back to the moon.  Lately I've been practicing nurturing myself by bathing in the light of the stars and moon - no, not naked - but still absorbing the white light from above and being renewed thereby.  So, the photo early this morning - just before the sun rose in the opposite sky over in the east where it is now.  Soon, it will be time for sunbaths!!!  And then, then I'll disrobe somewhat.  But for now, it's enough to just be in its light so quickly following the moon.  Marvelous creation in which we live.

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