Sunday, January 12, 2014

Restorative Yoga - Final Day

Whew!  My body is turning into something new!  And a bit used - maybe more used than new.  Yesterday was a full one working with  knees, feet and legs and every other part of my body.  Much of what we are doing is practicing the new learnings with each other and designing sequences for different body problems.   The bottom line, as always is "Listen to your body.  Don't hurt, but do move."  I'll fill in some blanks as our classes proceed.  Today we will be working on spinal support specifically and continuing work on all we've been through so far…….Then, back to the Pond.  I hear from Donna that my carport was flooded and the Pond is truly full!  I pray that none of us suffered any  serious destruction from all the rain.  Time now for a meditation before class begins……..Retreat Saturday the 18th info:  I left my list at home so I'm not positive, but I believe I have 10 who say they are coming.  I've had three since I came to Asheville.  I'm asking you to send your $30 so I can know for sure if there is more space available. I will hold new inquiries on a waiting list until Thursday evening and then create the final list.   What a grand retreat we will have!

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