Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Life is Full

I have come to a hard decision.  I must stop some of the things I've been doing for a long time to make room  for the new things I've added.  I am a Yes person.  Are you?  We find ourselves totally overloaded before we make space.   This has been weighing on my mind for many months and with the renewed work on a book, my bucket overflowed.  So, my first hard decision was how to cut down on the number of yoga classes I teach.  After nine years of teaching at my church, Immanuel Lutheran on East Creswell in Greenwood, that will end as January ends, or sooner if we can find a teacher before.  It is sad but we all come to endings and new beginnings.  The sadness comes from not being so often with the beautiful people who have surrounded me for all these years.  I am so grateful for their presence in my life.  Are such changes difficult for you?  It seems transitions of any kind are a bit troubling.  But, just yesterday in my post I mentioned how important change is to me.  The trick is to try to time it and accept it. And, move on…….speaking of a full life, you might enjoy seeing our full Pond - fuller than it has been in many years.  Notice the tips of grasses above the water about eight feet from the end of the dock.

1 comment:

  1. ah, I did notice the tips of the grasses in this beautiful photo. Endings and beginnings are tough and exciting - oh those conflicting feelings, I find. i wish you well with the transition. cheers
