Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Goodness - It's been several days since I wrote.  Sorry - got sidetracked with lots of new stuff going on - the stuff of life!   Snow did come.  Here's my favorite photo so far - my sago palm (transplanted from Clemson) will lose all her fronds soon - BUT, she will sprout back - just resting for now with a lovely warm blanket of snow.  I am so grateful to have just enough to almost cover things rather than be treated to a dreaded ice storm!  How fortunate we are in this part of the country - even though this extended cold is not fun!  Thank goodness for the Yogatorium - I escape to there when I get cottage fever.  And I'll be there waiting for you at 6 this evening for a class!  I've already turned up the heat.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

"Cultivating Compassion"

Ice on the Pond this morning - not totally covered ,the duck has plenty of open water to ride on but relatively widespread ice.  Today is another  quiet day - yoga class this morning at 10 and then - cooking turkey soup and studying my latest find (actually I first read it in 2009) - "Cultivating Compassion" by Jeffrey Hopkins.  It is a Buddhist perspective and very much on my mind these days since my big push right now is to do just that - cultivate my compassion - for myself and all others.  It's the first time I have read "short meditations are much better than long ones."   He goes on to say, "The reason is that an intensity of purpose can be retained….when you do a long period  without intensity you get accustomed to - habituating yourself to - dullness."  There are many more helpful suggestions - it's a book worth studying for meditators.  One of the appealing aspects of many Buddhist principles is that they do not seem to me to conflict with Christian ones, but somehow make for better clarity of both paths with its simpler statements.  Here's another perspective that resonates with me:
To generate compassion, it is essential to know, to feel, how fragile others' lives are, how they are beset by suffering no matter who they are.  And to know this, first it is necessary to realize how fragile your own life is--to stare your own suffering in the face.  The fundamental suffering is death; being aware of it puts everything else into perspective.  This too, is a concept I'm working with--and getting happier, more content each day.  

Friday, January 24, 2014

"Night Vigil" - Decision Making Continued

Yesterday's post came from writings I did fifteen years ago when I was leading workshops on finding happiness.  I began cleaning out my computer of files no longer needed and ran across that one which seemed relevant following our retreat last Saturday….This morning, I'm celebrating a decision I made yesterday - to learn how to do a "night vigil."  Last evening I spent in the Yogatorium alone from sundown to sunup.  Yes, I did sleep some but also was awake many times and tuned in to listening for Spirit to speak.  I didn't get any specific words - but clearly a feeling of being in a special place and happy to be there.  Now when the weather warms up, I'll try one in the woods.  Or maybe in the hammock by the Pond.  Or maybe both…..Here is a photo looking east toward the sunrise this morning at 7:31.   It was interesting to notice how much light was in the sky long before the appointed sunrise time.  And even then, the sun could not be seen.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Forks in the Road

Decision Making – Forks in the Road

Alice came to a fork in the road.  
“Which road do I take?” she asked.  
“Where do you want to go?” responded the Cheshire cat. 
 “I don’t know.”  Alice responded.  
“Then,” said the cat, “it doesn’t really matter.”……Lewis Carroll  

Do you know where you want to go?  

“You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because you might not get there.” ….Yogi Berra

When we come to a fork in our road of life, it almost always DOES matter.  Do you have difficulty deciding which fork to take?  Begin by practicing on small decisions, those that don’t matter so much.   Stop waiting for approval or agreement before choosing.  Just choose and go. 

Again, Yogi Berra:  When you come to a fork in the road, take it.

 As with all talents, decision-making ability improves with practice.    Begin now, and then, when the next significant choice arises, you will be ready and able.

Comments?  Send to  

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Gratitude and Childhood Beings

This morning I am filled with gratitude.  In the past few days, many guests have shared my space.  Saturday, 10 - Sunday, 9 - Monday, 7 and today I'll visit with more at the church for yoga classes.  This is a fulfillment of my dreams like I never imagined.  The Pond Place is filled with energy from all these beautiful spirits who have come to share space with each other. …and with me.  I am humbled.  And happy!  I look forward to many, many more enjoying the peace and quiet that surrounds us here.  Already plans for the next retreat (March 22) are under way and one deposit of $10 has been received…..My reading this morning has opened a new door.  I am going back in time to my childhood remembering my imagined beings or even actual people I didn't know personally but admired with a child's open heart.  Two come to mind - Hester Prine (remember The Scarlet Letter?) and The Lone Ranger.  I actually did see a Lone Ranger at the fairgrounds in Greenwood and I remember being disappointed.  I think because seeing a real man broke the spell.  Especially when I was told there were lots of men going around the country impersonating the Lone Ranger.  I liked his imagined self better than the "real" thing.  I believe these childhood images may have something to teach me.   Stay tuned.  I'll see what comes of this reminiscing.  First, I'll try to order a kindle version of The Scarlet Letter.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Retreat Report - Request for Testimonials

I am filled with gratitude this morning.  Yesterday's retreat was the best ever - ten beautiful, talented, loving women gathered for a day of sharing that went deep.  What is so remarkable about such gatherings is how energy flows among us and even if we never saw each other before, a warmth develops throughout the day that leaves us not wanting to ever lose touch with each other.  It is a bonding that is hard to come by and I am so grateful to be a part of such a lovely occurrence.  This is what The Yogatorium is all about.  This is why I had it built.  This is why I am here doing what I do now.  ……..FYI, the next retreat will be March 22.   Mark your calendars now and let me know if you are planning to come.  If you want your place assured, send in a $10 non-refundable deposit.   The format will be basically the same, subject matter to be different, of course.  More information will be available in late February. …….Yoga classes continue as usual.  Shamanic healings are by appointment.  Call 506-4063 for more information. ……. Thank you for reading my posts.  Your comments keep me going.  By the way, I'm creating a new web site and would very much appreciate any testimonials you are eager to provide - if you prefer to not have your name included, that's fine.  If you don't mind my using your name (either first name only or both), please include some identifying tag - like your degrees or a title, or something.  You can send it by email to or

Friday, January 17, 2014

iPhone Challenge and Lentil Soup

The new iPhone 5C is a challenge.  (For those of you who don't know me well - a challenge is one of my desired values).  So far I've learned that not all my contacts' phone numbers  transferred, so I use my rest breaks to get them in.  I still don't know how to text but did figure out how to make and receive calls.  Even tried using the mike to send a msg, but didn't send it somehow.  I'll like that if I can ever get it to work.  The Face time!  I HATE IT.  I accidentally see it sometimes on my MacPro but certainly not for long!  The last thing I enjoy these days is seeing my face on a screen.   Reminds me of the mirrors at the county fair when I was a child that distorted your shape into very fat or very thin or other grotesque appearances. …... I need to make another reservation for tutoring at the Apple Store.  Those guys are really good - except they try to teach too much in too little time and I have to say "Whoa - let me catch up."  But, I've gotten superb help there.  I know it took me a few weeks to learn to love my Kindle and my MacPro, so I'm counting on learning the iPhone too - eventually.  I do love the bright yellow color - I can see it now when it's lost - at least when it's on top.  Now all I need is some way to call it when it's concealed and have it answer me (like when it's in my purse or a coat pocket or better yet, when I've left it in the car)….Time to get the soup pots off the porch and peel away the fat layer, check seasoning, and cook some more.  I'm making  lentil soup from a recipe Bob first used back in the 60s when he began cooking. It has always been a winner, hope it is again for the Retreat tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Expanding Horizons

Last night I told my classes I would not be teaching yoga at the church after January.  Endings always somehow result in new beginnings that help us grow.  I've just visited Pam, a neighbor and friend who has a huge teepee that she has offered for our drumming circles!  It is absolutely perfect for such and we are in the planning stages now to use it for our February circle.  She lives only a couple miles from me.  So, be on the lookout for a new fantastic experience on February 16.  (But first, join us for drumming and fire ceremony January 19, Sunday, at 6 pm.)  We are also discussing ways to house retreat guests over weekends.  What is going on?  My dreams keep getting bigger all the time and somehow the people come.  First the helpers, and then the participants.  The recent ad in the Greenwood Magazine is an effort to spread the word about this beautiful place to be and hopefully inspire others to join those who are already gaining insights, peace, and harmony at The Pond in The Yogatorium, walking the labyrinth, and in the woods where they can Just BE.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Life is Full

I have come to a hard decision.  I must stop some of the things I've been doing for a long time to make room  for the new things I've added.  I am a Yes person.  Are you?  We find ourselves totally overloaded before we make space.   This has been weighing on my mind for many months and with the renewed work on a book, my bucket overflowed.  So, my first hard decision was how to cut down on the number of yoga classes I teach.  After nine years of teaching at my church, Immanuel Lutheran on East Creswell in Greenwood, that will end as January ends, or sooner if we can find a teacher before.  It is sad but we all come to endings and new beginnings.  The sadness comes from not being so often with the beautiful people who have surrounded me for all these years.  I am so grateful for their presence in my life.  Are such changes difficult for you?  It seems transitions of any kind are a bit troubling.  But, just yesterday in my post I mentioned how important change is to me.  The trick is to try to time it and accept it. And, move on…….speaking of a full life, you might enjoy seeing our full Pond - fuller than it has been in many years.  Notice the tips of grasses above the water about eight feet from the end of the dock.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Extreme Resting

Here's a photo from my Restorative yoga class - yes, there is a yogini down in there!  This is what can be done with enough props.  She is absolutely totally relaxed and comfortable!  Notice the purple sandbag resting on her head and 3 blocks behind her head.  This is one of the "fun" ones Stephanie did with us.  You won't get quite that much cuddling, but a lot when you come Saturday to the retreat.  Sorry I don't have space for more people.  We'll do a bit of this in our regular classes, too, so you can get a taste of it.  Now, I'm back to the ordinary world (we shamans refer to the spirit world as the real one), or as the Celts do, I like the visible and invisible.  ……Class at the Y -  to the Toyota place to get broken tail light replaced - to dentist to get lost filling replaced - etc.  Ordinary life.  Sometimes it's a relief to get back to it so that later it's fun to get away again.  Change is important to me.  It adds zest to my life.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Restorative Yoga - Final Day

Whew!  My body is turning into something new!  And a bit used - maybe more used than new.  Yesterday was a full one working with  knees, feet and legs and every other part of my body.  Much of what we are doing is practicing the new learnings with each other and designing sequences for different body problems.   The bottom line, as always is "Listen to your body.  Don't hurt, but do move."  I'll fill in some blanks as our classes proceed.  Today we will be working on spinal support specifically and continuing work on all we've been through so far…….Then, back to the Pond.  I hear from Donna that my carport was flooded and the Pond is truly full!  I pray that none of us suffered any  serious destruction from all the rain.  Time now for a meditation before class begins……..Retreat Saturday the 18th info:  I left my list at home so I'm not positive, but I believe I have 10 who say they are coming.  I've had three since I came to Asheville.  I'm asking you to send your $30 so I can know for sure if there is more space available. I will hold new inquiries on a waiting list until Thursday evening and then create the final list.   What a grand retreat we will have!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Restorative Yoga at AYC

First session last evening for three hours was very informative.  My body knows it did new things and hopefully my mind will absorb all these new ideas!  We will have training in five separate areas:  shoulder/chest openers (last evening), hip openers, then knees/feet/legs, spinal support, and finally a general class holding each of 7 poses 5 minutes each and savasana for 10.  So, by Sunday afternoon, I'll have been exposed to restorative work for the whole body.  We'll also be doing much teaching of each other  to solidify the information.  ….. As many of you know, learning is probably my biggest joy and I truly thrive on retreats like this.  …….I hope you who will be attending the January 18 retreat at the Yogatorium will go away with some helpful learnings as well as a totally relaxed body, mind, and soul.  There are a couple more spaces available.  See for more info or call me at 864-506-4063.  I'll be checking my phone throughout the day and can return your call certainly at noon lunch break or after 5:30.  We have a late start this morning - 9:30 - so I'm still in my beautiful hotel room preparing for the exciting day to come.  Will take some photos today so I can share with you later.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Happiness Specialist

Last evening I was reading my Kindle and ran across a profound discovery in The Untethered Soul.  One way to begin a spiritual journey is to DECIDE to be happy.  What a wonderful confirmation of my own journey.  More than a decade ago when I was preparing to retire from my university job as a professor whose primary role was one of "Hardwood Specialist," I named myself "Happiness Specialist." I was studying informally the relatively new field of positive psychology.  Little did I know at the time it would lead to my spiritual growth that is now so deeply ingrained in who I am.  I am truly excited - I think my rational brain is somewhat satisfied now with this explanation.  Does that make sense?  At any rate,  this morning's meditation inspired me to share the scene with you.   This is what I see when I am half-smiling as I kneel.  The candle is in a crystal lotus blossom I received when I completed my Claritas Interspiritual Mentor training with Joan Borysenko.  On the lower right is my lineage stone from Alberto Villoldo during my Light Body School shaman training with the Four Winds Society.  All of which has occurred SINCE I named myself a "Happiness Specialist."

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Confronting Old Man Winter

The sun is streaming through my windows (even tho covered with plastic) and warming my heart as well as my cottage!  What a delightful prospect to be closed in for at least a day and a night alone with my thoughts.  Such freedom is very difficult to come by, particularly on a Tuesday, not Sunday.  Or, Wednesday, which is normally my day of isolation (except for yoga in the evening).  My only chore today is to continue putting plastic over windows.  Now, I've got a rhythm going and much easier way to handle it - so good I should be able to save the plastic for each window and just slap it back up again next winter!  Fortunately Lowe's was out of the little kits of clear plastic and I bought a huge roll of translucent thick stuff that is much easier to work with.  Simply cut to fit, masking tape along the edges and slap it up!  Not supposed to get beyond freezing before tomorrow afternoon, so I'll take my breaks and do another window as time goes by. But mostly?  Mostly I'll bake some sweet potatoes and heat up my lentil/quinoa soup, bake some cornbread muffins and sit.  Sitting is my main thing today.  Remember my primary teaching mantra?  The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.  And my main thing today is to connect with Spirit in all my activities - even putting up plastic outsmarting Old Man Winter.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Spiritual Life - the Second Half

Yesterday's "Finding Spirit Here Now" session was such a delight.  I want to share with you just one of Richard Rohr's many inspirational, informative writings at the very end of Falling Upward:
In the second half of the spiritual life, you are not making choices as much as you are being guided, taught, and led--which leads to "choiceless choices."  These are the things you cannot not do because of what you have become, things you do not need to do because they are just not yours to do, and things you absolutely must do because they are your destiny and your deepest desire.  Your driving motives are no longer money, success, or the approval of others.  You have found your sacred dance.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Real Me

It's done!  The manuscript has been translated from Mac pages into a Word document and sent to my book editor in Santa Fe!  I don't expect to see her work for a couple months, so now I can let it go and move on to other things for a bit.  How I wish I could have written my second book first!  I know so much more now than I ever knew I needed to know!……..Today I want to share with you some words of Richard Rohr, p. 155 of Falling Upward:
It is only those who respond to the real you, good or bad,  that help you in the long run.  Much of the work of midlife is learning to tell the difference between people who are still dealing with their issues through you and those who are really dealing with you as you really are.  
His writing is so full of wisdom that is giving me pause.  This one will provide food for thought for some time to come.  Can I name those who respond to the real me?

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Nothing important

Good morning!  Another cold one, but somehow that's nice - gives me permission to stay in and read, play with my MacPro, etc. without interruption - except the GOOD one this morning - yoga at 10:00.  Yesterday I cooked the turkey soup and will live off it for the next many days!  Not so good as to give to anyone, but fine for my sustenance.  And, easy to store in its big pot on the back porch.  Reminds me of a time in Albuquerque when our refrigerator died and we kept all our stuff like milk, butter, eggs, etc. on the back patio in the snow for about three days while we shopped for a new fridge.  Life's sweet memories!  Opening and closing the sliding door instead of a fridge door many times each day!  Off to the Yogatorium now.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Meditation Place

It's cold - 26 degrees now.  Fortunately, last night's wind dried everything off so no ice in evidence - maybe on the bridges - but I'm not crossing any today!  Did make a very nice meditation spot right here in the Cottage.  Beautiful deer skin is the base and the stool is called a "Pi" meditation stool since it is shaped like the mathematical symbol for Pi.  I added a cushion on top.  I'm using the deerskin's tail to point toward the east.  Anyway, it worked well so I may continue my morning hour here for a few more days until the weather warms up a bit…….Just so you know, I'm going to Asheville on the 10th for a weekend Restorative Yoga teacher training so no class on Saturday, the 11th.  I will be back for Finding Spirit Here Now session on Sunday afternoon at 2:30…..Boiled the Thanksgiving turkey bones last evening and put the pot on the porch overnight, so I'll take off the fat and make a soup today.  Nothing like hot soup on a wintry day.  Would be fun if a bit of snow fell, but I guess not this time.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Back home - Pond Level UP

Pond level is up!  Look at this - can't remember when I've seen the dock next door with its feet in the water!  Yes, I'm home.  Great gathering last evening for yoga and champagne and sending intentions out to the Universe.  Get ready for a retreat all day Saturday, January 18, to do more work on making 2014 a great year for yourself!  Details tomorrow.  Yoga again this morning and then two doctor appointments this afternoon - just routine, nothing to get excited about.  Teeth and eyes.  So good to be back home and getting into the routine….looking forward to see all yoga students and prospects, too!