Sunday, January 9, 2011

Empty Cup

My Safe Haven
Well, here I am this morning practicing ahimsa (non-harming) toward myself! I didn't expect this so quickly! Yesterday was a very full day, as was the day before, and by mid-afternoon yesterday I realized I was on the brink of getting sick. So, today is a day off from everything I can avoid doing - except for the one hour of yoga practice this afternoon when I'll do breath work and meditation - both healing agents. -----The sun is shining brightly through my kitchen window signaling a beautiful Sunday - a quiet one meditating, reading, studying, staying warm - it's still in the twenties outside at 10:00 oclock - letting my body heal itself. It has been surprising to me over the last couple of years how often I have been able to avoid medicines by simply stopping doing and just being. On my new Kindle I'm reading a very helpful book (helpful to me, anyway) entitled "A Life of Being, Having and Doing Enough" by Wayne Muller. The key word is enough. Do we ever have enough? Even as I write this, I've finished a cup of pitta herbal tea and immediately thought, I need another. The cup is empty. I must fill it again. What's so wrong with an empty cup?
(The photo of the Yogatorium is from my cottage front stoop taken after the light snow last year. Stay tuned for one after the coming snow!)

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