This morning from the porch I am envisioning the Pond being drained to renovate the dam, which is leaking. Much of my serenity comes from the water. I am trying to envision the water 99% gone with hopefully enough water left in the middle to keep some of the fish and turtles alive. It's not a pretty picture. On the other hand, one of the major learnings I gained from my forestry training is that in order for new life to exist, space must be created. That is, old trees must be removed so new ones can be born and thrive. So it is with all of life. "Out with the old, in with the new." The Pond is about two feet lower than it was designed to be. The plan is to restore it to the original state. It will be an exciting adventure to watch the process - particularly after the work of humans
is done and renewal is left in the hands of God!
In San Antonio on the famed River Walk there is an annual draining of said river. This has to do with maintenance and cleaning. And it is an ugly sight to behold. The city leaders have chosen to embrace this annual event by staging a fiesta. There is a n outrageous celebration complete with a Mud King and much more! I look forward to visiting you and the pond at the next drum circle! Thanks for all you do, Jaquie! - Ginn