I'm home from Atlanta. Here are photos of my two grandsons of Luke and Susan. Jack(11) is all dressed for school at Saint Francis in Atlanta, Sam (almost 9) is home sick on the couch with Gus. Walker (Tate and Wendy's son) was 12 Sunday - Goodness, maybe 13?) I'm awful about keeping birthdays clear in my head. I'll find a photo of him tomorrow. Didn't get one this weekend. He was busy playing tennis, etc. and I didn't have my camera with me. Grandmothering is a blessing! I'm always so grateful when I get asked to stay with the kids!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Family Thoughts
From Atlanta. Been with Sam and Jack since Friday. Parents coming back this afternoon. It is amazing how much I've forgotten about young boys! I'm suffering from the same problem I had with my sons at this age - offering options rather than giving clear directions - orders, really. I just don't make a very good sargeant. Ordering is not my style. Suggesting is - which doesn't work with young boys, of course. Of course, in my defense, I'm rarely with them more than a couple days and each time I have forgotten what I learned the time before. True, when I watch the parents, I see things I did differently, but I don't tell them. The one thing I know about raising children - it seems that no matter how much we do wrong, they grow up into lovely people anyway - perhaps in spite of us - and perhaps they are only lovely in a mother's eyes. But, lovely they are - both my sons. In my moments of reflection, I know nothing is more valuable than family, absolutely nothing. Thanks be to God! Mine is blessed with good health.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Sitting or Smoking?
Yesterday was truly full but I did take time to do some light reading and resting. After yoga class last evening, I met with Jan who is my new personal trainer at Wellness Works. We had a great meeting of the minds and she will design a strength training program for me so I can begin perhaps even tonight? If not, for sure as soon as I return from Atlanta next week. Many times in the past I have done strength training, but not lately. So, I'm eager to get back to it. Along with my yoga practice, the strength training will go a long way toward increasing my joy in life. I have finally gotten the picture - joy comes from feeling good. Feeling good comes from moving my body. I read somewhere recently a study showed that sitting was worse than smoking when it comes to heart disease. Regardless of the validity of the study, could have been very small and not statistically valid. . .still, it is food for thought.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Becoming Specialists in Living
This morning I read something that really spoke to me: Where we were specialists in spending, we are becoming specialists in living. This appeared in an editorial in Ladies Home Journal magazine in October of 1932. History does repeat itself, doesn't it? I believe that once again there are many of us now who are becoming specialists in living. What a remarkable thing it is! For me, it is absolutely astounding how much living there is to be done and how exciting each day has become for me - never knowing quite what to expect and so often finding wonderful happenings occurring I could never have predicted or expected. For example, just yesterday a young woman in my yoga class at the Y came up afterwards and surprised me by saying she had recently returned from India where she had not been able to enjoy as many yoga sessions as she would have liked and found my class, her first visit, very much to her liking. There she stood smiling and full of praise and approval which made me very grateful for my teachers who led me to the style of yoga I now teach. It is as close to "classical" Hatha Yoga as I know how to get. I would like to think one finds similar teaching even today in India. Perhaps one day I'll get there and see for myself. Or, perhaps I'll revisit Yogaville in Virginia for another bit of such training. But, for today, I'm a Happiness Specialist who might one day graduate to Living Specialist!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Checking in
Sorry I've neglected the blog. Life has been too full. But wonderful. Had a great all day Yoga Retreat on Saturday with a beautiful day in the Yogatorium - with the doors open listening to the rain all day long. You had to be there to know the joy~ Next one coming up in March or early April. I'm still trying to catch up with myself so this is short, but I promise a more rewarding post tomorrow or Wednesday, for sure....By the way, Ray, the daffodils are coming up - what a delightful discovery each one is!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Spreading the Yoga Word
Great time this morning talking to about thirty Golden Kiwanis men in Greenwood. Love having a chance to tell people about yoga. Hope to see some of them in my classes. Now it's on to preparing for the ten retreatants who will be here on Saturday for a day of yoga. We always have a wonderful time together and I expect this one to be the best so far! It's always fun to have some people who don't know each other and that will be the case this time. By the time Saturday wine and cheese roll around, the ten will be bonded. Hope to hold many more of these retreats as time goes by. If you are not scheduled to be at this one, make sure you get your name to me as interested in the next and I'll start looking at a time for it.
One of the major reasons I built the Yogatorium, was to have retreat space, and so we do!
One of the major reasons I built the Yogatorium, was to have retreat space, and so we do!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Yoga - This is IT!
Here's another reading I hope will help you all understand what yoga is all about. The essence of yoga....is to be easeful in body, peaceful in mind, and useful in life. The aim of yoga is to make the body healthy and the mind tranquil and pure. With a pure mind and a healthy body, you become a useful instrument for God. From Satchidananda's Golden Present. .... I will be sharing this with many often. It is by far the best description I have seen - at least it describes perfectly my reasons for practicing yoga - maybe not yours.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Standing Knee Deep in Abundance
I've just read something I want to share from my Daybook referring to living consciously. It's from a country song entitled Standing Knee Deep in a River, Dying of Thirst. Here's a few lines: Friends I could count on, I could count on one hand, With a leftover finger or two. I took 'em for granted, let 'em all slip away. Now where they are I wish I knew. ..... They roll by just like water, And I guess we never learn, Go through life parched and empty, Standing knee deep in a river, dying of thirst. Google it for more if you're interested. What comes to me is that we are all standing knee deep in abundance and still dying of thirst. Somehow, with practice, we can learn to drink from our river of abundance! Have a Happy Day!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
WHEE! It's raining. What a wonderful day at home to sit and watch it fall onto the Pond and hear it falling like bullets on the porch tin roof. I need this day off and intend to be lazy all day long till 6:00 yoga class. What a great way to end the day! I am so blessed. Thanks be to God. Sometimes I wonder at the beauty of my life and feel sure there is something more I can do to give back to the world. I'll ponder that today. Perhaps I'll begin with listing my blessings. I'll need a big piece of paper! Certainly at the top of my list will be family and friends and my good health. But there are many smaller blessings that make life beautiful. I'll work on that list now.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Dirt and Soil
My camera got left behind in Atlanta at Christmastime so photos will be missing for a while - won't get there until the end of January. So, I'll keep looking for old ones that might be fun to look at. New ones in February...........Pat and I did yoga together last evening and thoroughly enjoyed the rain! Especially during savasana - it's truly beautiful listening to the rain hitting the metal roof. I opened the window we could hear it better as we lay still........More rain coming the next few days. Thanks be to God. The Pond level is lower than ever before in my memory........A few daffodils to be planted today. Found them on sale a couple weeks ago and couldn't resist. Wonder if they will actually get enough cold to then bloom in the spring? No point in leaving them in the box! May as well stick them in some dirt. Whoops, soil. (I learned in my forestry training that soil is what plants grow in, dirt is what you find on your hands.) Nothing more profound comes to mind for this morning. This photo was taken in September - much more earth exposed now.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Yoga Retreat List - Get on it!
I am so excited! Already 10 people (my limit) have said they are coming to the January 21 yoga retreat!. But, some have not yet sent in their $10. If you are interested and haven't told me you are coming, please let me know. I may get cancellations and if so, I'll get back to people on that list in order of their first reservation date. Just get on the list! If you are not sure if you are already on the list, ask!...............Thanks to all of you who have responded positively! It makes me truly happy to see so much interest in my favorite occupation.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Good morning! I'm very pleased - have all but two spaces taken for the Yoga Retreat January 21. Keeping it at ten to make for a better experience for all of us. If you are planning to come, please, please get your reservation in NOW. Thought a photo or two might inspire you. I'll see what I can find now. Somehow or another, I can't get more photos. Got to run. More later.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Yoga Retreat - Don't Miss it!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Yoga Retreat at the Yogatorium January 21
OK. I'm committed. Here's the description.
January 21, 10:00 to 4:30 - $10 in advance.
Come join a small group of yoga enthusiasts for six hours of yoga practices, journaling, and group interaction. Make 2012 your year of caring for your body, mind, and spirit by jump-starting with this program practicing stretching, flexibility, strength and balance. Bring your own lunch. We will end the day with wine, cheese and crackers at four o'clock. Reserve your space by mailing a $10 check to Jaquie Haymond, 1909 Tillman Territory Road, Ninety Six, SC 29666. Highlights: Gentle Flow Yoga Asanas (Poses), Pranayama (Breathing), Meditation, Journaling, Group Support. No experience needed. Come and see what yoga can do for you.!
FYI: Pat Grier has just offered to do some reflexology as part of our Group Support!
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