Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Slow Down

An old photo, but the message is fitting.
Busy morning already! Angie is doing some cleaning for me, so I've been clearing stuff off of counter tops and sorting and in general decluttering in front of her. The bathroom is now sparkling! What a joy to have four years of accumulated dirt removed! I do pretty well at keeping things clean on the surface, but every now and again, a deep cleaning is needed. And spring is a great time to do it.---- I've come up with a way to organize my book writing. Will talk with Lisa (coach) today and see what she thinks. How wonderful it is to have coaches! It seems to me to be a relatively new cultural event, but it makes so much sense. Being able to take advantage of the experience of one who has already been there and has figured out how to do it AND can teach it! It seems many of my friends have either a counselor, a therapist, a spiritual director, a coach or sometimes two or more of these! Actually, my spiritual director - Joan Borysenko - is a combination of all of these - I've got all the bases covered!-----And then, of course, there's prayer and meditation, my mainstay. Without which, I could not function.--speaking of functioning - my vertigo is basically gone. Just a very slight dizziness when I sit up from lying down. I am hearing all kinds of horror stories from others who have vertigo, but obviously a different animal from mine! It's been simply a reminder to me to SLOOOOOWWWW DOWWWWNNNN.

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