Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ten Directions Meditation

The photo is of the kitchen area in the Cottage. It's early. I woke about 4:00 and began thinking of "The Art of Doing Nothing" planning I'm doing. And, one of my favorite sayings, from whence I have no idea, "Don't just do something, sit there." So I have been sitting here. . . and considering the interconnectedness of us all. . . the innerconnectedness of us all. In my reading of a chapter in "Lovingkindness" by Sharon Salzberg, an ongoing study with my Spiritual Sisters, a new meditation exercise came up that I'm eager to begin using in my early morning work. It is working with the ten directions sending metta (lovingkindness) to all beings in the N, the NE, the E, etc. and above and below. (You can start with any compass point you choose, of course.) It's fascinating to me to find new tools to enhance my journey. But before I begin that, I want to connect with you. Of course, I'm not even sure which you you are..and that's the joy of this. The opportunity to connect and actually feel it even though I can't see it. . . .There's something magical about being able to do that.....

There's a mist floating over the Pond this morning from east to west, away from the dam. A cat just strolled by on the overhang of the screened porch - she's checking out the progress of a bird building a nest under the porch. The Great Blue Heron has been showing up several mornings in a row but I don't see him yet. Worked on the labyrinth yesterday. Randy mowed it and in one spot mowed too low so that a division disappeared. So, I'll outline it with yellow nylon rope in that spot until the grass grows back high enough to delineate the path.

Soon I'll write here more details about the five upcoming retreat weekends beginning May 22. See FB for now. And, I'll post more photos from the Pond buildings and surroundings.

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