Green is everywhere! I am every year amazed as trees leaf out at the miraculous array of greens - and they change almost daily - and even in full leaf, there are dozens of different greens to see. We are so fortunate to live in a place where so many different species (over 200 trees if I remember my forestry learning correctly) right here in SC. Even among the oaks - perhaps 40 different ones! Not just whites and reds but within those categories many different species. If I were a painting artist, I'd be out there right now trying to capture on paper all the different greens. But, I am a photographing artist, at least for now, so I'll resort to my camera. This first photo is of the huge "corner marker" tree that I took a week or so ago just as it was beginning to leaf out. And, of course, if you look at the upper left corner, you can see the dark green of the pine needles. Imagine the challenge to a painter trying to capture even all the green shades in this one photo!
I'm hooked on artistry this morning - spent a weekend at Lutheridge "Create in Me" weekend where we submerged ourselves in creating - everything from soap to batik - story telling to praying and meditating - hot air balloon rides to making our own hula hoops! Which reminds me - one of the astounding things I learned is that the diameter of the hoop makes all the difference in the world! With one so big that the diameter stretched from my chest down to the ground, I had no trouble at all! First try, it worked! I never knew that, did you?
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