Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's still dark. I woke about 3:30 and decided this is a marvelous time to meditate, read, contemplate the readings, and write. So,this morning I am sitting with my "Yoga for Any Body" tea mug - one Karen had made for me - a fantastic photo of a sanderling (gull?) standing on one leg on the sand is on the mug! I think she's attempting a "tree" pose. Karen was just here for a couple of days working with me to create a tri-fold display that turned out to be spectacular! Just what I would expect when two heads and four hands work together - really together. That's what I call connection. And, before that, Jim enjoyed the swing chair while I enjoyed my new rocking chair he helped me buy at Lowe's on Saturday. I've wanted one ever since I moved here three years ago and find it truly comfortable - a pleasant surprise - even without cushions. I've never had a porch rocker but as a child loved sitting in one. The wrap is a knitting mistake (I didn't check the gauge and it turned out twice as big as it was supposed to be) - but I love it as a morning wrap. As you can tell, my brain is scattered this morning - I'm leaving in an hour or so for Hilton Head and dinner out with Jim this evening. Then tomorrow to Folly Beach to join 3 of my Pod Sisters for 4 days - an annual event that is always lovely. I can't think of a better word for it - a favorite for the Irish - but I won't pursue that line of writing now! Enough for one morning. If there is a lesson here, I'm not sure what it is - if you figure it out, let me know. Connection, is the best I can come up with now.

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