What a beautiful, bright, clear morning. While many in the DC and New York area are snowed in, we are definitely not. But, we are promised snow tomorrow. How exciting that is! I remember as a child enjoying snow every year - sometimes plenty to make snowmen and snowball fights with my brother, Bill. Now, we almost never get a snow that completely covers the ground. Just a dusting. Still, I'll do my errands in town today and plan to stay in tomorrow and enjoy the snow - a time when we have "permission" to just be.
I have just taken an on-line quiz to determine if I am a right-brain (visual) or left-brain (verbal)thinker. The results congratulated me as being "right down the middle." Somehow I think that might be because I have so much difficulty making decisions! So, I flip-flop between the two. By the way, I could never remember which was which until just now - the i in visual relates to the i in right and the e in verbal to the e in left! Do you use "crutches"? I absolutely DO. So what has this to do with creative and analytical? Seems to me both types of thinking (visual and verbal)relate to both. Maybe we've been led somewhat astray by attaching those two words (creative and analytical) to the right or left brain thinking.
This week I have been attempting to be creative (developing material for a stress/serenity workshop). Most of my good ideas have come while writing. But, the BEST ones come during or following meditation periods in which I tend to visualize.
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