Friday, February 12, 2010

Resilience and Snow Predicted for Greenwood County!

Well, it looks like we will actually get some snow this time. The sky is gray with a few streaks of light clouds near the horizon. But more to the point, the weather site says we will get 2 to 4 inches beginning at noon today and ending about midnight! Which means, we should wake to ground covered! What a great prospect for photos tomorrow!

I've been studying stress the last few days and finding it truly exciting! About ten years ago now I began studying "positive psychology" from scientists like Martin Seligman (Learned Optimism) and others. That's when I adopted the work title "happiness specialist." Yesterday I spent studying Joan Borysenko's latest book It's Not the End of the World: Developing Resilience in Times of Change. She is my spiritual mentor, so I've read many of her books, but this one is my favorite for now. She does a good job of presenting much of the research information in a simple, straightforward manner in a tiny 5 x 7 inch book of 138 pages. You can begin to use it RIGHT NOW. She presents three secrets of resilience: an eyes-open acceptance of reality, a deep belief that life is meaningful, and a penchant for creative improvisation. In addition, she discusses the attitude of optimistic realism. Another scientist refers to realistic optimism. Whichever, take your choice. All of these secrets are really not secrets and all of them can be worked on and developed more fully by each of us! And I find that exciting!

What does resilience have to do with snow? Tomorrow's "From Stress to Serenity" workshop has to be rescheduled! I can't think of a nicer reason to reschedule.

1 comment:

  1. When you say "spiritual mentor", exactly what does that mean?
    I just found your blog today...

    I have a relationships with someone, an older woman (I am 50 and female) and she has been my guide and counselor for a couple years.

    The idea of "spiritual mentoring" has come up, recently. She said something to me about her "Mentor" and how she had to ask this other woman straight out to mentor her.

    I felt like she was saying that I needed to do that, ask her straight out, but I feel as if she is already my mentor in many ways.

    I don't know if you are the right person to ask or if there is a right person. For some reason I felt called to ask you when I found your blog.

    peace and love,
