Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mindfulness - Spring is Coming

First, if you read yesterday's post, I have just now edited it - Sam, Luke and Susan's son, is the one who said "filled with lovingkindness" - not my son, my grandson!
Now today. I just checked Ninety Six and we are in for some beautiful weather! By the weekend, into the 50's! WHEE! And the next week, even some 60s!! Whee! Time for a sunbath!
Yesterday during my monthly session with Joan Borysenko via telephone, we talked at length about mindfulness. Thich Nhat Hanh is the name that comes to mind immediately for reference purpose - or Jon Kabat-Zin (I'll need to check spellings here) and there are many more. If you attend one of the Yogatorium "From Stress to Serenity" workshops (Feb. 27 and repeated on March 6) you will learn how to experience mindfulness. It is basically a way to focus. But the results are soooooo much moooooore.
In addition to that, I washed my drapes for the first time - amazingly they held together and just a tiny bit of the insulation backing washed away! I'm doing spring cleaning in hopes that spring is really on its way! I love the way we have our snow. Joan (who lives in the mountains of Colorado) got a kick out of the fact that we had to reschedule our workshop because of 4 inches of snow! But for me, it's great fun to have enough snow to cover the trees and ground - the word that comes to mind is purity. Which reminds me. My Pod Sisters arrive Friday for a detox weekend - our original intent was to detox the body - but in the last week or so I ran across an aphorism in Way of the Wizard which inspires me to try more: Purification consists of getting rid of the toxins in your life: toxic emotions, toxic thoughts, toxic relationships. I'll leave you with that thought. It's a BIGGIE! I just re-read the last several posts and realized I'm repeating myself here. Maybe it's worth repeating.

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