Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Write it Down, Make it Happen

Seems strange that I didn't write a blog post since New Year's Eve. But, much has been going on. I drove to Atlanta on New Year's Eve and spent the night in a lovely Marriott on Windward Parkway. Leo Gasper, a faithful cousin, and his fiance Amy held a beautiful celebration for their upcoming wedding. True to the invitation, we drank, danced, and dined all evening! First time I've been to such a gala in probably 30 years - maybe ever! The loveliest part was renewing acquaintance with FAMILY!
Upon returning home I spent the next two days in deep introspection meditating, journaling, and just sitting and being quiet anticipating the new year. This always allows me the opportunity to make changes and so I have begun. My true love is yoga. I get my biggest pleasure from sharing yoga with those who join me at the Yogatorium and others who join me at Immanuel Lutheran Church (my home church since I was a child) on Tuesday evenings. What I realized is that I wanted to once again submerge myself in meditation and asanas and study. To make it more likely to occur, I issued a new schedule for the Yogatorium offering sessions every day of the week except Tuesdays when we meet at the church. I'll be in yoga for two hours or more 5 days and one on Fridays and Sundays. This means on most days my days begin and end with yoga. I don't know that this will be my schedule after the month of January, but we'll see. One of my happiest years recently was last year during my yoga teacher training which involved a similar schedule - that is LOTS OF YOGA.
Why am I blogging this? In part, for my own satsfaction and inspiration to do what I plan. I have long believed that writing it down makes it happen. Try it. I am a great believer in COMMITMENT and CHANGE.
On a lighter note, it has been very cold. So, part of my time has been spent in making buildings warm. Getting new storm windows up, installing plastic on the inside of the windows, moving heaters around. I had hoped the cold spell (in the teens at night) would end before now, but we've got several more days of it coming in this spell and no doubt others will arrive. My primary thought during all this is my gratitude for being warm and my plea for God's help for those who are cold.
Time for hot green tea! Have a happy day!

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