Sunday, January 24, 2010

Just Being Here

It's Sunday morning. My church seems to be here rather than in Greenwood. That happens to me sometimes during meditation and I honor the feeling by remaining at the window for some time to absorb more of the feeling of peace that has arisen. The Pond is perfectly quiet at this moment. Just a short while ago there was a rain shower strong enough to sing its song. But that has been interrupted. Now there is a misty look outside. Perhaps another shower will come. The ducks are hiding. The geese left while it was still dark. It is foggy. An Eastern redcedar (cedar tree, we call them, even though they are not true cedars) standing near the point across the Pond is tall, maybe 20 feet tall, and is reflected in the Pond. It is the only green in that spot. All the other trees have lost their leaves. But the cedar, like pines, holds on to some of its needles all the time. We never see them bare unless they are dead. The incense stick has burned out but the candle still shines its light.

One evening this week, John Wanto introduced me and three others to Reiki with a two-hour session in the Yogatorium and I am excited to have at least a rudimentary understanding of the discipline. Perhaps there is a better word, but I am finding in my search for truth that most new learnings fall into the category of disciplines - at least my understanding of that word fits here. Reiki (ray-kee) is one more way to study the mind-body connection and energy flow. Ahh, another shower, a quiet one. The ducks have parked themselves directly in front of me and are just being there!. So now I will just be here.

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