Monday, December 7, 2009

Yoga again!


FINALLY! We're back together beginning today with sessions at the Yogatorium and tomorrow at the church. These last two weeks away have been really tough for me without my yoga practice. I did do a few twists, but my energy level has plummeted. So, today I'll begin the road back! As I hope most of you know, the gaps in practice don't really matter as long as you have the gumption to resume your program! And, it doesn't really matter how slowly you begin again, just that you do begin again.

The Pond is quiet this morning. The sky is a bit gray. The ducks are swimming along the edge on the other side and the goose is following them - no honking yet-or if so I missed it. At times like these, I am astounded at the pleasure I get from just being here and looking. I'm reminded of my father's last years when that's what he did - simply sat with his oxygen and watched the pond. How I wish I had some way to know his thoughts then - I did find a diary a few years ago with only two entries. Both had to do with the weather and no other comments. Strange how we are tied to the weather - even though our livelihoods no longer are related to the weather. Still many of our recreation activities are - like tennis, for example. An important part of my sons' and their wives' lives. And, soccer - for the grandchildren!
More another day.

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