Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas Music

I'm at the window, neither the goose nor the ducks are in evidence -all is quiet and still with only a bit of disturbance in the surface of the Pond out in the center. It is gray. Showers are predicted, but no snow. That's only in the mountains behind Clemson. My first action this morning was to retrieve Christmas music CD's (and a few tapes) from the storage building. And the one on top is one of my favorites - Anne Murray singing popular and religious songs interspersed. Her style reminds me a bit of Michael Bubele (sp?) - I've heard him twice now - at the lighting of the Christmas tree in Washington or New York - don't remember which - and again on Oprah yesterday. His style and popularity bring back such memories - the same style and popularity of singers of my youth - Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, etc. All this is to say - fashion and style recycles! How glad I am to see a softness, a depth, a sense of feeling kindness and love and hope -"I just haven't met you yet" - beautiful thoughts and attitudes!

Michael can't begin to touch the depths of my soul like my very favorite - Nat King Cole. Of course I'm biased - I once studied guitar with Irving Ashby - his guitarist - when we lived in Pasadena and Bob was studying 24/7 (although we didn't call it that then) and I had time on my hands even though working full time.

Christmas time is one of memories - old and new ones being formed. The music is a special way to recover memories of a lifetime. I wish for all of you, they are memories of happiness and love!

The photo is of the plaque Sara provided for the center of the labyrinth when Claritas I Pod 3 Sisters first created it.

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