Wednesday, December 16, 2009

No news - just checking in

Good evening! I'm at the midpoint of my week here at Hilton Head. What a delightful place I'm in! And, the weather has been very cooperative. Walking on the beach daily, watching from inside my villa the pelicans, gulls, and dolphins at play. A marvelous place for personal retreat. Jim was over today and we did some yoga together while listening to Sharon Salzberg talk about metta (lovingkindness) on her Insight Meditation CD's. Mostly we just corpsed and that was good! I've spent a lot of time just "being" and looking at the ocean. A wonderfully peaceful place to just "be".

Tonight Kate is arriving to spend the night with me. I am so honored that she is driving from her studio in Savannah here for just the night and spending some of her precious time with me. Tomorrow I'll have lunch with Anne for a "ladies' time out" and do a bit of shopping. I have a new camera that I'm just beginning to learn how to operate. Perhaps I'll figure out how to get photos from it onto the blog before the week is out. We'll see. I'm not really particularly interested in doing anything this week that takes a lot of effort - either mental or physical! So the photos may not happen.

Perhaps in the morning I can be a bit more philosophical. We'll see.

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