Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Lovingkindness, Detox weekend, Yoga on the grass

Tuesday 7:00 am by the window overlooking the Pond

Once again I'm attempting a sort of meditation by writing here. I am inspired by what I read yesterday in "Confessions of a Pagan Nun," a book I first read in Kinsale and have now re-read thanks to Martha. The sentences that spoke to me are many, but these in particular: "...receiving kindness is the only comfort for suffering. Giving kindness is the only method for forgetting suffering." I have slept on these words and this morning find them worth studying and even acting upon.

These words speak to m e especially at this time because I am a member of a new group meeting for the first time November 22 to share thoughts about lovingkindness. Sharon Salzburg's book of that title is an obvious reference. Does anyone have others to suggest? It occurs to me that I will be a better, wiser person for this pondering.

It is raining softly this morning. The new wind chimes are singing occasionally. I heard the goose honk before daylight but he/she is quiet now. Must learn to distinguish males and females if I can. Does anyone have an easy way to do that for Canadian geese? Later I'll google.

I'm beginning to get notes on Facebook! What a fun thing. Still haven't learned how to use it - but at least I'm on there.

Our final day of detox weekend was absolutely FUN. SusanT came out late morning and made waffles for us - no flour - chick peas, corn meal, crazy stuff!! But, they were delicious! We ate them "dry long so" or added peanut butter, maple syrup, blueberries, etc. and had a delightful feast. The heat had gone out in the Yogatorium and it was COLD in there even with two heaters going. So, late in the afternoon we did a yoga session out on the grass in front - a first and truly fun. Earlier SusanB and I rode in the pedal boat, Stacey took photographs and we all just sat in the warm sun and baked while reading. All in all, the detox weekend was a big success.

1 comment:

  1. I would suggest Love as a Way of Life by Gary Chapman. It has helped me.
    The other thing that I have been led to is the Bible verse "Love others as you love yourself." This is interesting because it indicates that we may have difficulty with being loving and kind to others if we cannot be loving and kind to ourselves.
