Saturday, June 20, 2015

Smile, Breathe and Go Slowly

Well, I'm preoccupied again with a fall and recovery.  Fell in exactly the same place as last September when I broke my arm - right at the bottom of my front steps!  Fortunately this time just bumps, scrapes, and bruises and a slight concussion.  After laying low for five days I'm beginning to feel like my old self - especially the old part.  But I'm on the road to recovery and will be in good shape by the time I go to the beach next weekend.  I happened to have a sign that I have now placed strategically to remind me to "smile, breathe, and go slowly" as I leave my cottage.  (Thich Nhat Hanh).   Interesting mantra to arise on fb at this particular time.  My whole intention for my time off is to do exactly that.  It may be the hardest change I have attempted.  But, I am determined to take more time to smell the flowers and to actually see rather than just looking and hear rather than just listening.  For example, this morning with my tea I spent about ten minutes just watching three deer across the way.  What made one seemingly jump for joy when she had been simply watching and waiting?  Where had the three been when they suddenly appeared at the labyrinth?  Where did they go as they bounded off the dam into the woods?  Most of all, what a joy to just be with them.

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