Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Sailing on Calibogue Sound off Harbor Town

Yesterday evening was a true delight.  Jim took me sailing along with three friends from about 6 to 8:30 pm and the sunset was spectacular.  Not a lot of wind, but enough to sail at least some of the time.  What a beautifully serene time that is - moving across the water with no sound other than the occasional flapping of the sails.   The dolphins didn't let us down; many of them were showing off for us to enjoy watching.   Fortunately no thunderstorm yesterday.  Looks like the weather may be good for sailing the rest of the week so Tate's family should get a chance to enjoy that, too.  Here's a photo of me enjoying the trip.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Early Morning Walk Greeter

Settled in now after a nice long, quiet day yesterday.  Took my first morning walk and what a beautiful surprise sighting!  He walked across the road and path as if he owns the place eyeing me a bit but little hesitation as he crossed the street and path and into the lagoon.  How's this for a welcoming!  I'm assuming a great blue heron but I forgot my coastal creatures identification book so can't be positive.   Maybe I'll google later.  For now, I'm sitting on my porch waiting for the golf course mowing machine to move away so I can do my yoga in quiet. I spent most of my walking moments this morning sending energy to special people.  All of you know who you are unless perhaps Dot Wise's family.  They too are on my mind this funeral day.  ……….Now I will be eager to walk in the morning and see what Nature will provide for my joyful awakening.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Hilton Head Vacation Begins

What a crazy drive down yesterday!  Traffic on I-26 and on I-95 was almost bumper-to-bumper and around 45 mph.  Unbelievable!  After about an hour of that I sidestepped it by going over to SC 21 and headed south through Branchville, Stokes, Smoaks, Yemasee, to Beaufort (almost) then over the water to Hilton Head main road 278 for about 30 minutes of stop-and-start traffic before arriving at the Shipyard timeshare.  Each year I promise myself that the next summer I'll wait and come down on Sunday and avoid some of the high traffic when everyone is coming to their timeshares on Saturday. But, I never have.  It's part of the vacation scene!… out to a lovely dinner at The Vine as guest of Jim and Anne for a most elegant meal!  ……Then, discovered I'd lost the key to my condo which led to about an hour of looking everywhere we could think of between the restaurant and my condo with no luck.  After a couple of unanswered emergency number calls without answers - I went home with Jim and Anne and their guest room for the night.  Now, in the condo and resting all day doing nothing but getting  groceries and napping.  Jim got hold of the manager this morning who sent someone over to unlock the door for me. ….In spite of the difficult beginning - it is great to be here, now with the place all to myself until Wednesday when Tate's family arrives and the fun begins!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Adapting to the Heat Wave

What a fun thing we did this morning!  Purposely got up at 6:30, dressed, had tea and coffee, fed Gus, and headed to Greenwood before 7:00! Traffic looked like early Sunday morning traffic - almost no one on the streets.   First stop at Wal-mart to replace the defunct dehumidifier for my carport shed, next to Lowe's for a new kitchen faucet to replace the worn-out one, then to Waffle House for a Toddle House omelet of steak, cheese, etc. and grits for Frank, hash browns for me, toast and jelly.  Amazing how good it tasted and how many memories it brought back.  First of all we tried recalling the old Toddle House chain.  I'm pretty sure, but haven't yet googled it, that Waffle Houses sprung from Toddle Houses.  Do you remember?  At the same moment, the old Howard Johnson's motel and restaurants returned to my head.  I'll never forget the incident when Tate was a baby sitting on Bob's lap at the counter when he knocked the cup of hot coffee onto themselves!  Not a happy moment!  But it certainly makes Howard Johnson's memorable for me.  No such disaster this morning, just good food and pleasant time remembering……The adaptation of doing our chores early in the morning to avoid the heat is really smart!  Yesterday it was so hot we both felt like doing nothing after about 10:30 in the morning - so we pretty much did nothing.  ….This morning we also bought a box fan to set up on the porch and move the air around a bit.  It is truly amazing how much difference a $16 fan can make.  And, it is truly amazing how often I go intoWal-Mart for one thing and come out with two or three more.  …...So now it's time for a nap.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Katydids Visit

Latest discovery - a katydid - bright green coloring doesn't show up in the photo taken from my screened porch when she came visiting yesterday.  I don't believe I had ever before seen one - not just one - went out the front door and looked back - there was a second one right above the door!  One on each side of the house - that's got to be significant.  I'll have to google katydids and see what meaning has been attributed to them.  Any notions?  Also a more important visitor - Gus  is here for three weeks while Luke and family vacation.  What a joy he is!  Undoubtedly the most easy-to-get-along-with dog I have ever seen.  As you can see, still grass growing in the pond basin.  Surely with this heat it will dry  enough for the excavation to begin?

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Smile, Breathe and Go Slowly

Well, I'm preoccupied again with a fall and recovery.  Fell in exactly the same place as last September when I broke my arm - right at the bottom of my front steps!  Fortunately this time just bumps, scrapes, and bruises and a slight concussion.  After laying low for five days I'm beginning to feel like my old self - especially the old part.  But I'm on the road to recovery and will be in good shape by the time I go to the beach next weekend.  I happened to have a sign that I have now placed strategically to remind me to "smile, breathe, and go slowly" as I leave my cottage.  (Thich Nhat Hanh).   Interesting mantra to arise on fb at this particular time.  My whole intention for my time off is to do exactly that.  It may be the hardest change I have attempted.  But, I am determined to take more time to smell the flowers and to actually see rather than just looking and hear rather than just listening.  For example, this morning with my tea I spent about ten minutes just watching three deer across the way.  What made one seemingly jump for joy when she had been simply watching and waiting?  Where had the three been when they suddenly appeared at the labyrinth?  Where did they go as they bounded off the dam into the woods?  Most of all, what a joy to just be with them.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Yoga is a "Practice"

Tomorrow will be very busy so I'll send a post now.  Let me quote the description following Item 1, from 8 Things No One Tells You About Yoga:   "It's called a 'practice' for a reason.  
I always thought it was weird that people referred to yoga as their "practice."  It sounded so pretentious.  But it makes complete sense.  There's no end game in yoga; no big "race day." nothing specific you're training for.  It's a constant work in progress, and you can almost always take a pose further or make it more challenging.  (I also learned that calling it a "practice" alleviated a lot of stress or pressure during each class or pose.  Didn't stick Crow today?  Maybe next time?)
OK. I'll admit the photos are from a few years back, taken by my brother Jim and his wife Anne at Hilton Head.  I'll try to get some new ones next month.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

8 Things No One Tells You About Yoga

Here are eight things you need to know about doing yoga (a gift from my friend John E.)  I'll spend a bit of time on each of these as the days go by, but for now, here are the eight:
1.  It's called a "practice" for a reason.
2.  It's not just about stretching and being flexible.
3.  Using a block, strap or other prop doesn't make you a D-list yogi.
4.  You can take breaks whenever you need to or want to.
5.  Doing a handstand as an adult is not, in fact, impossible or just for yogis on Instagram.
6.  The benefits extend beyond the mat.
7.  It's NOT easy.
8.  You just might fall in love with it.
Have a great day!  And, if you can't wait, you can always Google the title and learn all about it.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Storm Clouds

What a display last evening!  Far more exciting and beautiful than anything anyone might see on Facebook or TV!  This from my screened porch - and MORE!