Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Hi-tech Mysteries

Finally a photo of the green pond basin.  This was taken several days ago so it is even more solid green now. ….. The past several days have been days of trying to figure out why I can't get photos into the computer from my phone like I used to?  Or is it that I've forgotten how I actually did it?  What has been happening is the photos seem to be going into iTunes rather than iPhoto and thence disappearing.  Some day I'll quit chastising myself for not being more adept at computer and phone stuff and just know that every so often I'll be dumbfounded by them both!   Luke got me started (again!) on using my phone Google maps GPS and I actually managed to stumble my way through using it a couple of times.  How I did it, I can't tell you, but hopefully I'll be able to do it again.

1 comment:

  1. I'm confident you will find your way and get into the technology routine in no time; the photo is a good one I always enjoy your posts and sharing updates of what's going on at the pond and the yogatorium. Many blessings sent to you.
