Sunday, May 26, 2013

Connecting with Creation

Once again struggling with new computer.  Just had a one-on-one training yesterday and already forgot half of what I heard!  Tried to do too much in one hour.  Next time, I'll be smarter.  Had a techie working with me yesterday who tried to teach me too much in one shot.  Oh well, we learn as we go.  Today is the day for our gathering tonight - 7:30 for meditation, discussion, labyrinth walking and 8:30 for fire ceremony, drumming, etc.  But then, you already know about that!......What I really want to talk about this morning is more fun.  Two days ago a female mallard landed on the Pond and what a sight it was watching the male chase her around - flying in short spurts then swimming then flying again and all the while she evaded him!  Unfortunately she seems to have disappeared - but maybe, just maybe she is nesting.  Haven't seen a female on the Pond for over a year.  Hope she stays and is just out of sight for now.  Then, too, I've seen a doe at the labyrinth every evening lately.  And, the Great Blue Heron is visiting regularly.  The hummingbirds are scarce.  Pam thinks there's plenty of food for them in the abundant honeysuckle and there is a bunch of it around.  So, maybe they'll frequent the feeders later.

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