Thursday, December 6, 2012

There's always enough

Last evening my Spiritual Sisters and I talked about greed - as Judith Lasater writes about in Living Your Yoga.  The mantra I picked up on is "There's always enough."  I realize that there is often not enough for millions of people in our world but for me, there is.  ,,,,,,shift our focus from filling an emptiness to exeriencing contentment she says.  How do we do that?  living in the present moment is the key.  Just this week I caught myself being greedy when I received an order from Campmor of some warm yoga pants and jacket.  Immediately I said to myself - "These are really great - I think I'll order more."  I didn't, but I thought about it for three days before I accepted that the 8 pairs of yoga pants I already have are enough.  And, one pair of truly warm ones is enough - especially since I have three pairs of silky long underwear pants and shirts to wear under less warm clothes.  But it still tempts me to order more - it is such a bargain price!  This temptation to have MORE - is ingrained in our culture, as you well know.  It is a true struggle for me to overcome this silliness.  That's all it can be called - silliness.  Such acts may temporarily fill an emptiness, but certainly not permanently.  Emptiness is not filled by more, but by less.  Think about that.  I will all day today.  More creates chaos, less brings peace.

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