Saturday, October 6, 2012

Doing nothing.

The last two days have been busy preparing for guests.  Thank goodness someone visits relatively often - that's when I clean house.  And, then I can enjoy it for quite a while without any cleaning at all.  And that leaves time for meditation, contemplation, prayer, and just doing.  One of my favorite mantras:  Don't just do something, sit there. Amazing how long it has taken me to find the joy of sitting.  There was a time, most of my life, when I was constantly on the move.  Now I give myself the gift of stopping and truly being - in the moment - at least once each day.  Usually much more often.  I once wrote an essay on finding God in the pauses.  Now I'm doing it.  ....This afternoon is a long pause when I am free - after a morning of getting the septic tank pumped out - locating the drainage problem - jury-rigging a temporary fix - and now settling down with a couple hours of doing nothing.  Have you read The Art of Doing Nothing?  It is an art worth cultivating.....In this state of doing nothing I've finally made the mental commitment to hold another yoga retreat - Nov. 17.  So, get ready - that day will be here sooner than we think!  Then you can practice doing nothing.

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