Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Writing and Power Outage

The Pond in February
Well, the sunbath didn't happen. Neither did the second trash pickup. I got hooked on "the main thing" and have been writing seriously. Sorry for ignoring you, but occasionally I must begin my day with serious writing. I have my first consultation by phone with my editor this afternoon so I have been doing my best to develop as many questions as I could by trying some new approaches. If we can agree on the approach, I think the writing will become less scattered. I suppose if I had started with a "book proposal", whatever that is, the writing might be easier? Anyway, I'm still working on how to arrange the material. ------- We had a real thunderstorm last evening. The power went out (and came back on during the night) just as we finished class at the Yogatorium and the rain and wind were so terrific, Martha and Mary sat with me in the dark for a few minutes while it passed over. I spent the remainder of the evening sitting watching the sheets of lightning across the Pond. I capitalize this Pond because of its significance to me. Not only is my cottage perched on the bank, sixty-two years ago I learned to swim and dive in the Pond, Bob's ashes were distributed into the Pond from the center of the dam, Quincy is buried on the other side between the Pond and the labyrinth. (Maybe I should begin capitalizing Labyrinth?) And, over the years we have all said "We are going to the Pond." not the farm, or to Ninety Six.----

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