Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pleurisy - More than you ever wanted to know

Yesterday was a day of adjustment. Monday following my two yoga classes at the Y, I went to the doctor and learned I do have pleurisy (I had been working on figuring out what was going on for about a week). After a chest x-ray he said no fluid is in evidence - just inflammation. So, I began taking Indomethacin and mostly slept all day yesterday. Even when my eyes are open, my brain is on hold. Hopefully I'll be off this med by the weekend. I don't enjoy this zombie-like state. Still, it creates space for letting go of control and accepting what is. What is, is a tiny spot on my left side hurt like crazy when I lay on my back, but not otherwise. Now, that pain is not nearly so intense, but still there. For those of you who are uneducated about this, there are two layers of tissue called pleura - one surrounds the lungs, the other the body cavity and they normally slide freely as one breathes allowing the lungs to expand and contract freely. When an inflamed area appears, you can hear (feel) a rubbing sound. My doctor says this is a viral infection which can go into shingles. I've had the vaccine, but still it could occur. SOOOO, I'm at rest for the time being. It's really a profitable time because I'm doing some of those little things that you just keep putting off - like switching mattresses on my bed and the one in the computer room, finishing up a knitted piece, mending Susan's sweatshirt, reading romance novels from the library, etc. and thanking God it's pleurisy, not a heart problem!

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