Thursday, February 10, 2011

Projecting and Judging

Snow again but just a dusting compared to the earlier one.
Still, such serenity! Hard to feel anything but peaceful with views like these! I wish it had not fallen while I was asleep so I could have watched it come down. ------This morning Satchidananda writes about projecting. I have only in the last five years become aware of this psychological phenomenon - I project my own images onto others. I've been surrounded with psychotherapists of one kind or another (I can count 5) and am now very much aware that when I judge others (which is very often) I am truly judging myself! "Not every hole has a snake" is the old country proverb Satchidananda writes. Do I expect a snake in every hole? I'm afraid I do, at least at times when I lose my new understanding. The only psychology class I ever had was a "Marriage and the Family" one after I'd been married more than ten years - longer than the professor - and I don't recall the idea of projection, although it probably did arise. I still don't understand the why of this, but I definitely see it is so - at least for me. The whole idea of judging is one I'm trying to eliminate, but not very successfully. Still, it's on my list of stuff to avoid. Do you project?

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