Monday, June 21, 2010

Sam and me - a Pleasant Interruption

Bubblegum Egg - Hammered to Pieces

It has been nearly a week since I last wrote. A VERY busy one. The most important event - Picked up Susan and Luke's son Sam and brought him to the Pond Wednesday. Thursday and Friday he went to Vacation Bible School - I was very proud of him at the closing ceremony - his reading was impeccable and he participated fully in the singing and dancing as if he'd been there all week long practicing instead of two days! We had lunch out at Mig's one day and saw Marmaduke at the Greenwood movie theater and he spent lots of crafts time with model building, paints, beads, etc. What a joy to be a part of his life - even a few days. Saturday we drove back to Atlanta for Sydney's dance recital - she's a fantastic dancer! - went home to find Luke, Susan and Jack back from Camp Cherokee. So, off I went to get back to my home just at dark. After church, I began cutting out a shirt for Sam - he went to the cloth store and picked out the cloth - I am to have it finished when we meet at Hilton Head on Saturday. So, that explains why no posting these last few days. What a nice interruption! Life would be very boring without happenings outside the routine we set for ourselves. Still, it's nice to be back for a week now. (going Saturday to Hilton Head for two weeks ) It is my intention to keep up the daily postings, but we'll see. Thanks to all my blog followers, I am truly enjoying the bit of philosophising I get to do here. I'm not even sure who you are - a few have told me - and maybe it's "more better" not knowing. There's a certain freedom in that encouraging me to write whatever pops in my mind without constraint.

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