Monday, June 28, 2010

First HH Post

Strange. I'm finding it difficult to write - I now recognize that my previous writings have all been in an environment that is quiet, to say the least. In an environment that includes two additional adults and two boys on vacation - silence is nearly impossible to find. By the time the boys are in bed, I am too! This is an exercise in quieting the mind that is truly a challenge! How does one quiet the mind when you can't avoid wanting to know what everyone is saying? Why can I not ignore the sounds of speech? I'm sitting here now struggling to go deeper and it's just not working. The Today Show is on, boys are running in and out of the porch door, struggling to entertain themselves for a few minutes while parents have their morning coffee. "Give it back!" "It's MINE!" and so on. It is truly amazing how the two boys can be so cooperative and in the next minute, struggling with each other. Growing up is difficult. I forget all the struggles of learning to live peacefully with others, even family members. Don't misunderstand me - this family is delightful! Healthy, happy, and well adjusted. But, the boys are in constant motion. And, it's difficult to achieve a state of peace when surrounded by motion and interplay between each other.

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