Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Day 18 - Tuesday - Yoga, Massage, Vermont Woolen Mill, etc.

Yesterday we went back over to Johnsonville to the Vermont Woolen and Flannel mills store and bought a few small Christmas gifts and flannel pants for each of us.  Now eager for cold weather!  Not really, still enjoying the beautifully cool mornings and evenings with lots of sunshine in between - and pretty regular rains at night.
Last night I had my second yoga class -this one with a different teacher in the Methodist church right in Morrisville.  Odd, only two students and a massage therapist and the yoga teacher.  But, the massage therapist did a super job with my neck and shoulders.  So good, in fact, I've now made appointment for a full massage - 90 minutes - of Lomi Lomi massage.  You must see it on google - couldn't possibly describe it in words.  Now that I've seen it - I'm really excited about my chance for this new experience on Friday morning!
Today we're meeting Breck to tour an opera house in Hyde Park - someone gave them 14 million dollars to build it!
Otherwise, a normal, do-nothing day.
I'll try  to come up with some  deeper "ponderings" tomorrow.  Bear with me, please, as I continue my "do-nothing" time.

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