Here is the scene from our screened porch. We don't even have to leave our condo to feel right on the ocean! The other photo is of a few of the muses in Brookgreen Gardens - a "must-visit" in the coastal area of SC.
In my beach reading I have run across a suggestion that keeps returning to my mind -
Write a list of lovely things. So this morning, I am beginning with these two photo reminders of lovely things.
1. The beach-ocean-sky
2. Sculpture at Brookgreen Gardens
3. Visits from friends - Diana
4. Family members who visit - Jim and Anne
5. The sun rising ever higher over the waves
6. My cup of green tea with honey and apple cider vinegar each morning
7. Afternoon naps
8. Morning naps
9. Waking and the first stretch in the bed
10. A clean floor
11. Laundry fresh from the dryer
12. Smiles upon meeting sales associates in the grocery stores
13. Older couples walking the beach
14. Sautéed veggies
15. A distant friend's occasional telephone call
16. Salt baths
17. Sun bathing
18. Spa massages
In a way, this was similar to writing "gratitude" lists, but a bit different emotion erupts here. A very pleasant one. Perhaps I'll continue my list tomorrow, but now - the tea is finished and it is time for coffee with stevia and almond milk on the porch.