Sunday, August 2, 2015

Fried Clemson Spineless Okra

Today is a play day.  The photo is of fried okra from my garden.
 Believe it or not, never before in my life have I fried okra but it was irresistible.   It is a super appetizer with a cold beer!  This is actually Clemson spineless okra dipped in egg, then buttermilk- corn meal- flour mix to which I added salt, pepper, garlic powder, and chili powder, and fried in coconut oil.  First of all, I NEVER fry foods.  But, this I will continue.  It did seem a bit strange to taste the coconut flavor, but not offensive.  My family will be most surprised since cooking is truly a new hobby for me.  We lived on easy-to-prepare foods with very little exploring going on except perhaps for a different tomato sauce on the Quaker Oats meatloaf I made almost weekly for fifty years.

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