Saturday, October 25, 2014

Red Bush?

Back in NC mountains for a couple of days.  The colors are brighter each week but I think this must be peak time.  Where I am (near Brevard) is just north of the Continental Divide so about 2,000 feet.  And with the sun shining on the trees, yellows, reds, oranges, and browns and greens cover the hillsides.   But, one of the brightest colors comes from the red bush (don't know the name yet) here in Frank's yard.  On the median at one point on I-26 I saw a beautiful collection of these same shrubs.  If anyone knows the proper name, please let me know.  They are truly beautiful - and even redder now, a week or so after this photo.  I'll try for a close-up today and see if that makes it easier to identify.  Keep on enjoying the beautiful October weather!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

October Energy

Yoga class last evening was perfect!  Chris led and I assisted making adjustments for each student as I noticed a need.  We make a great team.  We won't always be working together this semester, but many times we will be now that my arm is healing and my stamina is returning.  For weeks all my reserves were going to the arm; now it seems there is some left over for the rest of life.  It is truly amazing to me watching and experiencing how energy works. ….Yesterday I took the short walk at Star Fort and it was lovely - perfect days now for walks we might not be inclined to take after the weather turns cold.  Why is it I find myself denying myself these simple joys to take care of some trivial chore?  More often than not now, at last I'm saying "Yes" to these suggestions Spirit sends that pop into my mind rather than closing down.  October is such a beautiful month to watch the changes that occur in nature.  I hope you are giving yourself this gift too.  It is an energy-building time.  Winter will come and that is time enough for hibernating.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Challenges and Changes

It's wonderful to be back at the blog posting.  Life has been very busy since September 3 when I broke my arm.  I have been  fortunate to have a faithful, long-term caretaker in my friend, Frank.  The one remaining impossibility is getting both hands at the back of my head in order to put my hair up.  He's become expert at installing the band to hold it in place! ……. After seven weeks of going without (a nurse told me I'd have to), finally this morning it hit me there was another way to put on a bra - I snapped it in front, turned it around, slipped my hands and arms down into the straps and then pulled them up - all by myself!  I had never even thought of trying that before.  Always I've been flexible and reached behind to hook it together.  Amazing how long it took me to even think of trying that!  Now a goal is to get back to my former way!  Not this month, I don't think.  But, we'll see.  …….During these past weeks I've been dividing my weeks with days here and days at Frank's home near Brevard.  He is hoping to find a small house here to rent or perhaps buy when he sells his home in NC.  For now, we are working to get his house ready to sell.  Great fun watching him make decisions about what to discard and what to keep.  This beautiful blossom is within reach from his porch.  Butterfly bush?  I think so but I haven't checked.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Broken Arm is Healing!

Finally I'm back!  Genius at Apple Store got me straightened out yesterday.  The arm is progressing each day.  Teaching classes again - will be working with Chris still teaching most days, but I'll be with him some of the time.  Strange feeling to be working with a "disability."  Makes me even more aware of the importance of each part of our physical bodies.  Did make me learn to use my left hand much more effectively than I would have thought possible.  Here's a photo taken a week ago when my sling was removed.  See how much more flexible my left arm is than my right!